Most of us in the blogging community have being hearing about the impending death of Google Reader for a few months now. With July 1 only a few days away, it is time to make sure you have secured an alternative to keeping in touch with all your favorite blogs (this one included I hope ).
Alternative Ways to Stay in Touch
- Email: By subscribing to a blog by email, you receive all the latest posts in your inbox. For most blogs you can find the email subscription option in their sidebar and/or at the bottom of their posts by clicking the check box that says notify me of new posts by email. At The Watered Soul, I have both options. Just enter your email address in the box under Subscribe to blog via email or click the check box at the end of this post. If you’re not reading this on the live blog, you’ll need to hop over to actually subscribe.
- RSS Reader: By subscribing to your favorite blogs via RSS, you receive all the latest post in your RSS reader of choice. Before Google’s announcement, Google Reader was my favorite way to kept up with all the many blogs I read. However, since their announcement I’ve been trying out a few alternatives including Feedly, Bloglovin, and The Older Reader (thanks to Barbie at My Freshly Brewed Life for informing me about this one). And there are many other RSS readers to choose from but these seem to be the more popular ones. Check out Google Reader is Shutting Down; Here Are the Best Alternatives at Lifehackers for more alternatives
Follow The Watered Soul
Thanks for the reminder, Wanda. I’ve been watching the deadline, but have yet to subscribe to a RSS. Either way, I’ll be sure to find you! lol.
As long as we can stay in touch LaVonne, it doesn’t matter which venue you choose.
Hi Wanda,
I have been out of touch I guess because I didn’t even know about this. Haven’t been over to visit for a while now. I just followed you by e-mail and on F.B. My old blog @ reformedrebel81007.blogspot, was having issues that I couldn’t seem to get resolved. My new one is
hope you will come and see me there. It’s good to be able to post and visit others again.
Hi Chelle, good to see you and thanks for letting me know about about your new blog home. I’ll be sure to add it to my feedly reader and I look forward to stop by for a visit. Sorry to hear you were having problems with your old blog. I remember Susan stating she was having some issues with hers as well. Hope you have a good week.
Thanks for sharing, Wanda, hadn’t realized that is happening soon!
You’re quite welcome Connie. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to give everyone a reminder.
I did not know this was such a big deal….but apparently it is. Thank you Wanda for the heads up. Blessings.
It’s only a big deal, if you’re used to reading the blogs you follow through RSS reader like Google Reader. Some people just get a blog roll to access their frequently visited blogs.
I have had visions (nightmares) of my blog disappearing off the face of the earth because of this new change. Turns out, my blog is still there this morning – though there are no comments. Can’t figure out if it’s due to the demise of Google Reader, or if it’s just an *off* Monday.
Either way, it’s all in God’s hands. I’m sure He doesn’t need my tinkering…(Do you, Lord? No? OK, just checking…) LOL!
Oh no the disappearance of Google Reader shouldn’t remove your blog’s presence; although I have heard scary stories of others blogs being removed suddenly. More than likely the no comments has to do with the upcoming July 4th celebrations. Maybe people are busy preparing for their summer getaways. But not to worry I’ll be over to visit soon. I didn’t have time for visiting this morning before time for work.