While some girls grew up dreaming of keeping house and about the wedding dress she would one day wear, I distinctly remember growing up playing business women or school teacher with my younger sister. So it was no surprise that college and career was what was on the forefront of mind as I finished high school. Yet I some how believed that I would always have time for the marriage and family later. Here it is later and neither have arrived yet. Over at Lisa’s today sharing with Women Walking With Jesus about the One Who Comforts when the ending is not the one you expect.
The Friday Five
Now to give a little weekly blog love to few favorite finds this week:
Does Sadness Go With Singleness?
We can think, in our single sadness, that we have nobody. But, I bet if you look beyond the dating realm, you'll see many people who really do love you – Faith
The Award of Our Labor by Pamela
This work stuff is our everyday life. But to Christ, it is who we are at our messiest. –Pamela
Be Candid, A Mother’s Day Reflection by Monica
“What about the women who have no desire to be moms or acknowledged as such,” I thought. – Monica
The Single Life: My Fear of Being Single by Misty
My fears about being single had nothing to do with me being alone. My fears about being single were grounded in my dreams of being a wife and a mother, and my dreams of being a wife and a mother were grounded in my desire to be loved. –Misty
Free Social Media Summit for Churches –June 4th
While so much of the world is using social media day-in and day-out, some churches and church leaders are missing out on connecting with their local community and members by avoiding social media altogether. -Eric
Monica Nixon says
Thanks for the love, as always, Wanda. Heading over to check out your post – the One Who Comforts. 🙂
Wanda says
You are welcome Monica. Since the day we connected online, I could relate so well to much of your story. Love your post. I think you told a part of the story that many do not hear or often realize. Many blessings to you.
LaVonne says
What I have learned in my lifetime is that even after marriage (and a great marriage at that) the end is often still different than the beginning (I am considered a young widow; I will tell my story one day), BUT I have always taken comfort in this verse … The end of a matter is better than its beginning (Ecclesiastes 7:8). The joy, sincere joy, in life comes from being a lover … of God, of others, of self, of life … no matter what our relationships look like. LOVE will stiffen your spine when you feel like crumbling in disappointment. LOVE will make tears feel like showers of blessing. When you walk through what feels like hell, LOVE gets stronger, not weaker. LOVE will make you live through the impossible.
Wanda says
Such wise words LaVonne. I understand about telling your story one day. I wasn’t too sure I was up to telling my story just yet. Still not sure I did it justice but I pray it blesses someone. I so like your line that love will stiffen your spine when you feel like crumbling in disappointment. Your words water my soul today. Thank you!
LaVonne says
Keep telling your story. It’s like watering a garden with tears; God STILL brings the increase.
LaVonne says
There are two times in my life when I was absolutely certain that I would not live another day IF NOT FOR GOD: 1. When I accepted that I would not have children of my own, and 2. When I looked at my husband (my constant companion since the age of 15) in a hospital room knowing I could not bring him back to life. God has a way of sustaining us, and I remembered that this weekend when a little girl (around the age of two) who was with a family I was visiting asked me to pick her up and then she proceeded to repeatedly kiss me on the cheeks and say, “I like you, I like you, I like you.” I don’t know where her words came from, but I cannot even describe how it made me feel. As Maya Angelou’s final Tweet said, “Listen to yourself and in that quietude you might hear the voice of God.” – @DrMayaAngelou, May 23, 2014, at 2:43 pm. God will use anyone and anything, even the whispered words of a toddler, to let us know that He is with us … all the way.
Wanda says
Ahhh, your words bring tears to my eyes LaVonne. Thanks for sharing a little of your story. Indeed he is one who keeps us. May you continue to be strengthen and shining the light of Jesus. Many blessings
Elizabeth West says
Wanda *HUG*
I’m still hoping. Perhaps my patience will be rewarded.
Wanda says
We can certainly have faith Elizabeth that it will be.
Pamela says
…and oh, my goodness…I went back up to visit one of the other blogs and saw you featured me. Bless you!
Wanda says
🙂 I like to share a few of the many good reads I stumble across. Have a wonderful weekend. Pamela.
Pam says
Wanda, you told a difficult story so very well. Despite your physical and emotional pain, you not only have graciously accepted this chapter of your life, but have managed to glorify Jesus in the process. Blessings to you my friend. Thank you for sharing this with us.
Wanda says
Thank you Pam. I pray that it helps someone. Many blessings.
Pam says
Just after I read your post I came across this: “Everything has the potential to draw forth from me a fuller love and life. Yet my desires are often fixed, caught, on illusions of fulfillment. I ask that God may orchestrate my desires in a vibrant loving melody rich in harmony.”
I think He has done just that in your life, Wanda. Your witness for Jesus is one of loving harmony with Him. Much joy and many blessings to you, Wanda!
Wanda says
That is such a beautiful quote Pam as I responded to your previous quote it the real person it help just might have been for me 😉 God knows what we need. Thanks for your words of encouragement.
Rhapsody says
as long as you are breathing the opportunity exists for all to come into existence.
Wanda says
Blessings to you Rhapsody.
Ceil says
Hi Wanda! What a touching post…it is funny how we see our lives going one way, but they go another. And I know I sit and wonder at what the heck happened. It really is an exercise in faith and patience. Kind of a ‘rubber hits the road’ thing.
When you open yourself up and show who you are, you will definitely help people. I don’t think you have to wonder about that. Thank you for your honesty, and for your faith.
June Blessings,
Wanda says
Indeed the path of life branches down trails we didn’t foresee and some of them are much better than anything we could ever dream for ourselves. We have to trust that they all work for good. Have wonderful day Ceil!