Welcome to another edition of
The Friday Five
It’s my opportunity to shine the light on five interesting articles/posts I’ve read during the week that convicted, challenged, or informed me during the week. It is in no way an exhaustive list of all the many great reads I come across.
This week I’m showing love to the following FIVE FINDS:
- No More Failure …It All Matters by Michelle at Intentional Me {about how some posts are more for ourselves}
- I Hope at Finding The Inspiring
- Some Disadvantages of Enabling Google+ Comments on Blogger at My Blogger Tricks
- Can You Afford to Lose Power at Sword of Goliath {calls us to examine the Judas within ourselves}
- When I Believe in the Gospel, Not Your Story by Preston at A Deeper Story {a very intriguing post about Christian blogging}
That’s my finds for the week. Now it’s your turn to share.
I love your Friday Five 😀
Hope your Friday is happy~
Thanks Ella. I’m always happy to see Friday 🙂
Thanks for sharing the link, Wanda! I look forward to reading the others as well. Have a blessed weekend.
You’re welcome Angel. Hope your weekend is a great. And thanks for sharing your gift of writing. Blessings to you.
Someone else posted about Google+ and blog comments. I had no idea they were changing anything.
I came across a blog recently that had it enabled and I try to figure all the settings. I think the main thing is that it could decrease comments because not every one has Google+ profile.
Thank you, Wanda, for spreading faithfulness and love, and for being an encourager for many like me, who did not have (and still often do not have) a clue when we entered the blogging world. I must tell you that your comments this week have me studying the life of King Saul and it is awfully revealing this time around. May you have a blessed weekend. May there be signs, wonders and miracles in you and through by the power of the Holy Spirit.
It always amazes me how things we may read or heard many times can take on new life at certain times. I’ve been reading and rereading Ephesians chapter 1 and every time it seems something else draws my attention. Thanks LaVonne, you’re quite the encourager yourself.
Thanks for sharing these links. I love you, and your blog.