For the past several weeks, I have had the pleasure of using the Our Daily Bread Devotional Bible. This Bible combines the New Living Translation Bible (which happens to be my translation of choice for my personal study) with devotionals from the publishers of Our Daily Bread.
During my review of the Our Daily Bread Devotional Bible, I spent the majority of my time in Romans. Each book of the Bible opens with an outline showing the author, date written, purpose, and themes. There is a devotional for every day of year, which provides key scriptures for you to read along with a short devotional. Each devotional tends to be located on different page from the scripture it is relating to which may be designed that way in effort to ensure the reader focuses on the key passages of scripture first before diving into the devotional. Although there are 365 devotionals, this is not a Bible that will have you reading through the entire Bible in a year but you will have read some passages from each book of the Bible.
One devotional that I really enjoyed focused on Romans 16:1-16. In reading this particular passage of scripture, one may easily skip over thinking it doesn’t have much value because in the bulk of these passages, Paul spends sending greetings and recognizing other believers whose names aren’t mentioned anywhere else in the Bible. Yet the corresponding devotional points out that those who “cut the coal” where just as essential as those fighters on the front line during World War II. In the same manner Paul showed appreciation for those unsung heroes who served faithful. And it reminds us (or me) that my service no matter how small is significant in God’s eyes.
For those looking for a devotional Bible, they should consider this Bible. However, as one who already owns several NLT Bibles, I might would just opt for a subscription to Our Daily Bread but I did appreciate the convenience of having it all in one book.
Bible Details:
- Hardcover: 1442 pages
- Publisher: Tyndale House Bibles (October 11, 2012)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1414361955
- ISBN-13: 978-1414361956
Disclosure: I was provided a copy of the Our Daily Bread Devotional Bible from Tyndale Blog Network in exchange for honest review. I was not required to give a positive review.
Hi there Wanda…I too enjoy the Daily Bread devotionals…I have a huge stack of them in my book shelf! You might remember me from Faith Hope and Love blog…I now have a new one and would love for you to come over and check it out! I have been out of touch for a bit but will try to check in more often!
Hi Shannon, great to see you. When I get a chance I’ll have to stop by your new bloggy home. Wishing you a great week.
I use the NLT often too Wanda, and used to subscribe to Our Daily Bread years ago; how awesome they have combined the two. I will have to add this to my bible “library”! 🙂 Blessings my friend for a joyful week, Denise
It’s a great two for one combo. Hope your week is a good one as well Denise.
Wanda, what a great way to stay watered with the word. I also love portions of Scripture where the “little” people are mentioned. It reminds me that nothing and no one goes unnoticed by our God.
So many unsung heroes go unnoticed by the world’s eyes but to the One that matters most He sees all.