When did you learn the truth about Santa Claus? Do you even remember? I'm not sure what age I was when I came to know there was no jolly old guy coming down our non-existent chimney and leaving presents under our Christmas tree. Needless to say, as a kid Christmas lost a certain sort of innocent sparkle once I became privy to this truth. Growing up church and Jesus' birth were always a part of our Christmas celebration but for many children that may not be the case. Soraya Diase Coffelt's It's Not About You Mr. Santa Claus aims to bring children into the true knowledge of Christmas from the Christian perspective in a fun and childlike way.
What child hasn't wrote a letter to Santa before in an attempt to tell him everything on their wish list? But this is not your typical Dear Santa letter. Rather than ask Santa for anything the child takes the opportunity to school Santa on the history of Christmas and God's great gift to the world.
For those families who are not quite ready to give up the magic or mystery of Santa, Ms Diase does not spill the beans on his existence. However, I think the book might have been enhanced by explaining how Santa came to be associated with Christmas. I'm looking forward to tucking this book in my nephew's stocking this year. I think he will enjoy it.

Where Did Gift Giving Begin?
Christmas is one of the most important holidays celebrated in most countries around the world, yet the true origin of this special day is often missed. Almost everyone equates Santa Claus and the giving of gifts with Christmas, but what event was the catalyst behind this centuries-old tradition?
This delightfully illustrated children's story is sure to become a tradition for you and your family as the holiday rolls around each year. Christmas is a special time of celebration and one in which we have time to reflect on what is most important.
About the Book
It's Not about You Mr. Santa Claus: A Love Letter about the True Meaning of Christmas by Soraya Diase Coffelt
Published by Morgan James Publishing on November 4th 2014
Genres: juvenile nonfiction
Pages: 34
Format: Paperback
Buy on Amazon
Sounds like a wonderful book! My dear parents taught me from day one that Santa Claus wasn’t real, so I never had to find out the truth on that one. I have heard people say that a person shouldn’t tell their child there is a Santa Claus because later when they find out the truth, they will question whether or not Jesus is real, too. I guess each parent has to come to their own conclusions and allow the Lord to lead them, individually. There is a certain magic and wonder in it all, regardless!!! So thankful for you, dear Wanda, and for all you do here at The Watered Soul. Looking forward to seeing how God uses you in 2016. Have a very merry Christmas, my friend!
I have heard that as well Cheryl. Seeing as I grew up in church from birth I never struggled with whether Jesus was was real; however, I can see how that may impact some youngsters. It’s definitely one of those areas I can see where each parent has to determine what they feel is right for their home. It’s been such a pleasure journeying with you this year. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
My oldest son handled “learning the truth” really well. He was appreciative of all the hard work that his *Santa* parents had done to make Christmas special. He eagerly looked forward to being “in on the secret” as he joined us in playing Santa for his younger brother. Well, alas, when that younger brother learned the truth at school, he accused his hard-working family of *lying*. Sigh. (He has since forgiven us!! LOL!)
However, the one thing that both boys remember is that I taught them that Santa was a Christian, and that he believed in the Son, and the true meaning of the day.
In my toy nativity, I have a Santa visiting the stable and worshiping the newborn King. Seems he knows that the best Gift of all is Jesus!!
Merry Christmas, Wanda, and GOD BLESS!
How sweet that your oldest son wanted to take part in the Santa secret for his little brother. It’s interesting to read how differently your two boys reacted to learning the truth. I can see why the issue of “Santa” is one each family has to explore and decide for themselves just how they will handle it. I’m grateful for all the great gifts my parents provided to me and my siblings even if they were in the name of Santa when we were younger.
I like your idea of portraying Santa as Christian. Hope you and yours enjoy a very Merry Christmas Sharon.
Very nice; however, there are plenty of children who enjoy the Santa thing who are not Christian, and that’s okay too. 🙂
I hope you had a lovely holiday, Wanda!!
Hi Elizabeth, I enjoyed a wonderful Christmas with my family. I hope yours was a joyous one as well. Santa brings lots of joy and happiness for many children. However, this book is geared to Christian children and I think she done a good job of telling the birth of Christ but leaving it up to parents on how they wanted to personally handle the truth about Santa. At Christmas, I asked a friend’s child what did Santa bring him and he looked puzzled and said I thought my dad bought me this and if he bought how could Santa bring to me. Lol. Lesson for me was next time ask children what they received for Christmas.
hmmmmm, interesting indeed.
Blessings and happy new year.
May you have more triumphs than trials
More joy than sorrow
More support than judgement
More Inspiration than discouragement
More resources and access than obstacles
and may you know through it all
That you are blessed and a blessing (by D.S.B.S.Rhapsody)
Ahh thank you Rhapsody for those wonderful wishes. Happy New Year! May 2016 be one of the best years yet for you!
Hi Wanda! Happy New Year! I hope that this year brings you joy and peace, as you discover what God has in store for you. All good things for you, His beloved child.
I hope you had a good Christmas too. I don’t remember when I found out that Santa wasn’t delivering packages either, so I guess it wasn’t very traumatic. Probably one of my brothers told me! Brothers are like that 🙂
Happy Monday!
Happy New Year Ceil! Wishing you and year full of joy and love my friend.