For the most part, I resemble my father’s side more than my mother, unlike my siblings, who were blessed with that Washington nose, as we call it. However as I sit here on the eve of Mother’s Day, I’m thinking about the imprint my mother has left on my life.
My sisters and I often laugh about the phrases she would say when she caught us playing Uno and not doing our household chores. But it’s funny that now that we have grown up we find ourselves saying things or acting in similar ways to her. Of course, there were some things we swore we would not dare do when we grew up. My mom, like all moms (or people in general), has faults but I’m thankful for the values that she stamped into our souls. She imprinted the importance of family, loyalty, faith and endurance.
I am not a parent and I can only imagine the magnitude of the responsibility of raising children. I once heard a couple talk about raising children with purpose. They discussed about how easy it is to get caught up in day-to-day living but they wrote down a list of things they wanted their children to know or experience before leaving home. They were parenting with a mission.
For those of you who are mothers, what are some the imprints you hope to leave on your children?
I’m not a parent either, but it is a massive undertaking. Like the idea of parenting with a mission.
I agree. It’s so easy to get caught up in just making it through the day but parenting with a mission would help parents stay focus on instilling important things in their children.
As always, Wanda, you present a thought-provoking post. As a mother, I want to give this serious thought and bring it up to my two grown children who are also parents.
I had never heard of parenting with a mission but I thought it was a very powerful view of parenthood. Especially since parents really only have a limit of time to give children a good foundation before sending them out into the world.
Beautiful Wanda! My husband reminds me sometimes of what our children lack and need. It is the hardest job I have ever and will have. It is a lifetime job, never ends. I thought I had an ulcer and went to the Dr. He said, “any chance you are pregnant?” I said, “maybe”. When he told me what I had, he said, “it isn’t an ulcer, but the heartburn will last a lifetime; you are pregnant.” He wasn’t kidding…
I love the idea of imprints. My son is a lot like my Dad. He never met him…my Dad died before I finished college. Sometimes the imprints run deeper than we think! My kids still need some tweaking, but they are good people, polite and compassionate. I know though, my job is not done~
Thank you Wanda, this was such a lovely, touching post 😀
Parents certainly have my respect and admiration for all the work and dedication they put into rearing children. When I first read your reply I thought you were saying you were expecting again now…lol. I once heard a gentleman talked about a grooming habit he had that he later discovered his own father had, although he was never raised around his father. It’s amazing the imprint our families have on us.
Blessings and thank you. I believe mothers day is not only for the mothers who have birthed chidren from their wombs but for those who have birthed childrens spirit when they have been cast away, abandoned, abused and misused, for those that have adopted, supported mothers in times of struggles, father’s who have the dual roles of both mother and father, the aunts, uncles, sisters, friends who support mothers in all their daily living, emotionally, pyschologically, spiritually, financially, physically to triumph over all things.
Stay blessed.
please pass by and pick up an award I have for you. It is in the post titled Tagged eleven and liebster award.
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I agree with Rhapsody. There are many childless mothers, who have a great impact on the lives of others. Thank you for the award.
There was a period of time (when I was a mother) that I wasn’t a very good example to my sons. I still loved God, I just wasn’t following Him. However, I am a living testament to the firm hand of God that never, ever lets go. I am a witness to His grace and forgiveness.
I hope to imprint upon my sons how very much God loves them – and that no matter what happens in your life, God is always there with open arms – ready to embrace you in His faithful arms.
I want to leave imprints that look like the footprints of Jesus…
“I want to leave imprints that look like the footprints of Jesus”….what a powerful statement Sharon. I love that. When others see God’s transforming power in our lives they can’t help but to see the hand of God. Blessings to you Sharon. Hope you enjoyed a wonderful Mother’s Day.
I am just a parent to two birds. Appreciate your post dear one. Blessings.
I understand about mothering pets JBR. I’m mommy to a doggy only.
Parents have such a huge impact on their children’s lives, and it’s important to seek God’s help in making the right decisions and guiding our children in the right way. My children are already grown, so now I’m hoping to leave positive imprints on my grandchildren. It seems that your mother instilled some very important values in you. Thank you for the thoughtful post, Wanda!
The ability to influence not just your children lives but your grandchildren is truly a blessing.
Hey, I nearly missed this post Wanda. For some reason I haven’t been getting any alerts of your new posts. I just decided to check out your blog and stumbled on this post.
I have always said I want to leave a legacy of Faith as my footprint, to my daughter and my grandchildren. It’s amazing how God works, I was transfixed with your post, and after reading it just sat staring at it for quite a while, and then said a prayer, as the Spirit gave me utterance. It was as though the Lord was telling me to take time out and to meditate on ‘these things’.
Wow! I love posts like that.
Nice one, Wanda!
Hi Carole, how do you subscribe to the blog (RSS/email)? Glad that you stopped by Carole and that God used the post to capture your attention. It’s amazing how God can bring things into our path to further enlighten us on a topic that He has been impressing upon our hearts.
I have been subscribing by e-mail, Wanda. However, I have been using new plugins on my hotmail account, I could have tweaked someting in error. I will change to RSS from today.
Blessings 2 U.
Ok, I hope other email subscribers haven’t encountered a problem. I’ve been on a bit of blogging break the past few days.
It seems that your mother instilled some very important values in you. Thank you for the thoughtful post,
She most certainly did Crystal. Thanks for stopping by.
This is thoughtful…a mother does leave an imprint. I tried to parent with a purpose but not sure it got through to them….it did sorta
You will be amazed at just how much stuff actually sticks with us kids. Even more than we like to believe.
Great post Wanda, I find myself quoting my mom often even to my students:)
It’s kind of scary just how much we become like them as we grow older. But I’m grateful for all the positive things my mom instill in me as a child.
The most important thing I gave my children was unconditional love and let them know that Jesus loved them.
A beautiful legacy to pass on to your children Wanda.
I have the one daughter and at 23 she is morphing into an independent, hard working, God loving people person. Like her mom. (: Thanks to lots of time spent on bended knees.
I can only imagine how pleased a parent must feel once they see their labor of love and hard work paying off.