When you can not see your way, all you need is ears to hear.
The old adage, seeing is believing rules much of society’s thinking today. But if truth be told, most times in my life I haven’t had a full clear view of how things would turn out. As I have travelled throughout the journey of life, I have been shrouded by darkness and at times I only had a enough light to make the next step.
As read Matthew 20:29-34 about the account of the two blind men sitting beside the road, I heard an inner whisper reminding me that when I can’t see my way all I really need is an ear to hear. Those blind men didn’t have the ability to see Jesus arrival but they were attentive to the voices around them. As they listened, they got wind that Jesus was passing by. And they refused to let Jesus come in their vicinity and pass them over. The crowds could not silence their quest to capture Jesus’ attention.
Unlike those blind men, my physical eyes work just fine excluding the nearsightedness. Yet spiritually speaking I have some blind spots. Even some things I think I see, the Bible lets me know that I’m only seeing through a glass dimly (1 Cor 13:12). In the Kingdom way of living, my belief is not based upon what I see instead I’m called to live by faith. In walking in faith, it is not my sight that is leading me but my ability to hear and heed the voice of the Master.
Don’t be dismayed if you are in the midst of situation that you can not see your way out. Be attentive to the voice of God and when you hear Him, obey.
Image Source: Danilo Rizzuti / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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Very true advice Wanda,
Have a nice day,
Such a fabulous reminder. I’ve often wondered which sense I’d miss the most if I lost them. There is so much to hear. Blessings.
Yes, Lord. Amen. Wanda, this is such timely truth. Whether it’s the dry bones or the spiritually deaf disciples, our Lord seems to always be crying, “hear the Word”. I pray that I always respond to the whisper of His Word, of His Spirit.
HI Wanda – such a good point. Tune into what God is saying so He can guide us through our spiritual blindness!
Great post
God bless
In walking in faith, it is not my sight that is leading me but my ability to hear and heed the voice of the Master.
Amen!! May my ability to hear and heed grow stronger each day.
Alida, that should be the case for each of us that our ability to hear & head is growing day by day.
Exactly Tracy it’s not necessary that we see everything, only that we hear His voice and move when he instructs us to do so. Somethings will not be seen until we take action.
LaVonne, amen, hearing His Word is a paramount. What He is saying makes all the difference.
Joanne I can’t really imagine being without any of my senses.
Yvonne Thanks hope you have a nice day as well.
I have learnt that there are levels to seeing, hearing and even listening. I remember as a child arguing with my grandmother about the parable, “those who have eyes would see and those you have ears would hear,” in my young mind i was confused and defiant because i was sure i could do both not understand the capacity of really seeing and hearing. I have since learnt that seeing isn’t always believing because the eyes can be deceived in order to manipulate the mind and hearing isn’t always hearing because things can be constructed to determine what you hear and hearing without context is distorting. hence i have learnt the value of God, the choices the Divine has allowed me and the instinct and intution bestowed upon me to bring clarity, knowledge, reasoning and understanding to the “seeing & hearing” though in my humanness i don’t always follow I am put on notice by the voice of the Divine that whispers, listen not only hear and see beyond what the eyes tell you.
thanks for sharing your wisdom, much appreciated.