Where have you made your dwelling place? No, I’m not referring to your physical address. Instead I inquire about the place your mind, your soul, your will chooses to make it’s abode. After reading a post my blogger friend, Mike, shared over at This I do entitled What Is Your Cave?, it had me pondering over cave dwelling. Not sure if this happens to you but there are some posts that I read and then there are others that seem to read me. It’s the one’s that read me that I’m unable shake from the recesses of my mind. They refused to be ignored clinging and begging me to explore more.
Isolation and darkness push to the forefront of my mind when I hear the word cave. At first glance it doesn’t sound like a very pleasant place to reside. However, as an introvert, it’s in the aloneness of my day that I’m fully able to recharge. In the darkness of the night, my body finds the necessary rest to face the dawn of a new day. If the cave can serve as a place of peace and restoration, why would dwelling in one be a problem?
The place you draw away to gain perspective or protection can also be the place you use as a means of avoidance. Avoiding dealing with conflict, relationships, troubles, and trials. Just check out Gideon and the other Israelites in Judges 6, who had made caves for themselves in attempt to hide from their oppressors, the Midianites. These Midianites were no joke; they came in and reeked utter havoc.
Despite all the trouble they were causing, Gideon wasn’t encouraged to stay tucked safely inside the cave. It seems that while he was waiting around looking for God to do something about the situation, God was looking to him to render aide to the people. To me, a cave dweller would be the least likely person to send out to battle. But, what do I know really?
Just as the angel commissioned Gideon to come out of hiding and go out to face the enemy, there are some battles that we can’t afford to ignore. Too much is at stake. Not just us but our families. Not just our families but our communities. Not just our communities but our nation.
I’ve got some more chewing to do on this one. While I do, I encourage you to check out the post over at Mike’s blog.
Bud Ezekiel says
well sister….this is a timely reminder and a CONFIRMATION as to the direction i must go. i've been HIDING out in a cave. the very same day, i began my blog was also the very same day my childhood friend and brother (in arms-nam) as well as in Spirit gave a sermon about Gideon "hiding out." i've had the bunker mentality for too long and the good Lord is nudging me to get moving again. to get back into the race. although i'm physically limited there is an UNLIMITED re-Source to accomplish what needs to be done. it's a new and different trail for me. i'm going to link to this post later today sis:) thank you for the confirmation.
August 20, 2010 5:15 AM
welcome to my world of poetry says
I imagine I'm sitting on a beach in Spain. Totally relaxed and at peace with the world and myself,
Have a lovely week-end.
sarah says
the words that have hit me the most from this post…come out of hiding. ?
PatriciaW says
There are days when the cave is useful, when we need to get away and recharge, as you said. But I'm more and more mindful of the cave of my mind, where I hide away mentally even while busy with tasks and in the midst of a crowd of people. Where I go when things are just too difficult to deal with. That's the cave that I'm trying to steer clear of.
One Heart says
"The place you draw away to gain perspective or protection can also be the place you use as a means of avoidance." Ugghh…so true. Everything in seasons too because there is much gained when God hides us for seasons, but sooner or later we must come out with what we've gained there.
This strengthens me today. Much needed during a week of battles which are attempting to isolate me yet again.
My dear sister, your book is on the way. It should either have today's postmark or tomorrow's. Sorry again for the delay–I had a tougher week than the last. Enjoy it and let me know when you receive it. Blessings!
Toia says
Awesome word!!! This will make a great bible study. Thanks for sharing!!! It's definitely an eye opener. Have a bless weekend!!! I'm on my way to Mike's blog =D
PS – Thanks for commenting on my WFW post!!! 🙂
arlee bird says
I used to enjoy spelunking, which is cave exploring. I liked the cool darkness on a hot summer day and the year-round same temperature environment. The cave was a retreat where it was quiet and peaceful and nobody could see you. I stopped spelunking when I started to have an uneasy claustrophobia about being there. What if I got stuck in a small passage? What if it caved in on me? What if my light went out and I couldn't see?
I doubt whether I would ever go spelunking again, but I'd like to have a house built over the mouth of a cave that had no bats living in it.
Tossing It Out
Tea with Tiffany says
Too much is at stake. I hear you. Thank you for sharing, now time to visit the caveman LOL. 🙂
Monica says
"No more cave dwelling…" Good word. I think I've been pushing myself out of the cave these days, but sometimes i just want to stop. I don't want to push myself anymore. But i know i must come out. We must realize we're needed on the outside.
Just Be Real says
I have been hearing lately the topic of hiding. Both positive and negative. Great post Wanda. Look forward to what the Lord lays on your heart to post here. Blessings.
Karen says
Amen…awesome word…I will think on this for a while tonight, I am sure….
Wanda says
Oh Bud, didn't mean to step on your toes, my friend. It's the message He's feeding me. The types of caves we reside in look different based upon our own life but if we stay there past the point of healing, restoration, and protection, it results in hiding.
No worries about the book, One Heart. How can a unexpected gift arrive too late. I'll let you know when I get. I love gifts and especially books 😉
Toia, wish you a blessed weekend too.
Needed on the outside…I like that Monica and you're definitely moving my friend. I'm in awe of the faith moves you've made.
JBR, hiding can be either good or bad depends on where God has designated to be.
Thanks, Karen, Sarah, and Tiffany.
Yvonne, that sounds like a splendid place to rest.
Arlee, I've learned a new word tonight 😉
Patricia, you're so right we can be physical out among others but still be in hiding.