The Lord is wonderfully good to those who wait for him and seek him. Lamentations 3:25
Now I must admit, I hate to wait. Hate waiting behind slower traffic. Hate waiting in line at Wal-mart especially when there’s thousands of check-out counters but no one operating them. Hate waiting at doctor’s offices and hair salons. WAIT is a 4-letter word that just tends to rub me the wrong way. For some reason, I assume my time could be better spent doing something else.
Unfortunately for me (or I should say fortunately for me, I guess) the God, who holds the universe together, expects me to do just that-WAIT. Unlike the times I have waited for someone or something that failed to arrive, He promises that my waiting will not be in vain.
Did you notice that little 3-letter word “and”? It’s rather odd how something so small can have such significance. My waiting for Him is supposed to be accompanied with some action. We can’t get away with just the passing of months, weeks, days, hours, or minutes but we must fill the moments with seeking.
Am I just marking time as it goes by or am I actively seeking Him as I wait?
Fill up on more goodness from the Word by visiting Internet Cafe Devotions. WFW is always a great treat!
Denise says
I love this.
Christian says
hahahaha…Great thing Wanda! Maybe God wanted to tell us the same thing!
Waiting for Him is really excititng. U never know what comes next. U'll just be surprised.
God bless you sister! I keep on praying for you!
Amanda says
I dislike waiting too… immensely! One of the first lessons the Lord had to teach me was patience. He has good reasons for making us wait sometimes, for answered prayer, dreams to eventuate, a new season to tick over. Waiting stretches us to trust in Him.
Wonderful post Wanda… Bless you!
Kaye Swain for the Sandwich Generation says
Thank you for an encouraging post with this inspirational Bible verse. I definitely need to work on my waiting – especially with chocolate! Tho right now, it's more the ice cream. 🙂 Have a blessed week.
welcome to my world of poetry says
Wonderful post Wanda, waiting can be a tiresome thing at times, all depends on what we're wating for,
Enjoyed the read.
ozjane says
I am sure we are meant to use these waiting times for intercession. There are people around us. I wonder if anyone has ever prayed that the Holy Spirit would convict them of sin, righteousness and judgment…..we have a wonderful opportunity to maybe be the one person who has ever prayed for some of those people around us as we wait…..for the person on the end of the phone, for those in the other cars. Traffic lights are my call to pray… has mad a difference….I have a long way to go but God always and only waits to bless us.
Nicole says
Great post!! Love it!
Shannon Jacobyansky says
I love your post! A wonderful read! We need to seek Him in everything we do…even when we are waiting in a line at Walmart! Thanks for writing…oh…I love your picture on your header…very peaceful!
Never in vain, Wanda, and it's even better when God throws in some chocolates.
GlowinGirl says
What a great point! Our waiting isn't passive — it's looking for Him in a seemingly stagnant situation. I'm not a good waiter either, Wanda. So, I guess God is teaching us together! 🙂
LisaShaw says
Oh well said!!!
Love the WORD and photo!
Missie says
Argh! So true, I am SO impatient with the Lord!
Peggy says
Blessings Wanda… I'm seeking Him!
Love how you shared the WORD and the delicious photo!
I'm not too good at this WAIT either.(sigh)Thanks for tying this all together. I gotta hurry up and wait! It's double the time down here in Mexico… always a long wait and then start over and wait again. Think God is trying to tell us something!
I'm so thankful that waiting on the Lord is connected to His promises and His promises are true and ohhh
so good! (kinda like the dark chocolate)! Thanks Wanda…enJOY!
Sisters Of Honor says
Thank you for sharing this word. I look forward to reading more of your blog.
Joanne Sher says
This is fabulous, Wanda! Waiting is NOT passive – and I needed this reminder. LOVE the pic too!
Cathy says
A great WFW ~ Thank God for His gift of patience.
Donna says
A great post and a great reminder that waiting is not passive. I feel like I too have been waiting and it is not easy. Thanks for sharing!
Blessings to you today.
Beth.. One Blessed Nana says
wanda – you stopped by my prayer blog and i thank you for that! i also have a regular blog and would love for you to visit me there
i can tell my friend that we have lots in common. we are both seekers of God and are thirsting for more of Him. looking forward to growing in Him with you!
pS – what part of Arkansas do you live in? i live in NE Louisiana about 15 miles from the border.
MPW says
This post was for me as this week has been filled with unexpected waiting. It's a "wait" I simply don't understand, but I must trust that the Father sees what I do not. I'll continue to seek Him as I wait.
Laurie says
Oh, this is goooood! I love the "wait + work" equation, and the verse with the photo are a perfect match! This has blessed me tofay.
From the Heart says
Thanks for your comment on my blog. That scripture was so fitting with me right now. My cousin's son died this week and she's having a really hard time with it. Hopefully the autopsy will tell them what happened.
I like your verse and I don't like to wait either, but I'm reminded of the scripture "they that wait upon the Lord shall reunion their strength"; so there's a promise from God for waiting.
Blessings, AE
Karen says
I totally enjoyed this, Wanda…
The graphic was awesome and your reflections on waiting blessed me….
Amydeanne says
when you put it like that!!! lol I love the visual! happy WFW!
Lisa says
Wonderful message. Let's wait for Him AND seek Him!
arlee bird says
If I know I'm going to have to wait like for an appointment or something I will usually take a book to read. Sometimes I'm so engrossed in my reading I want the wait to last longer.
We don't usually just jump into a career or position in life we have to receive an education or pay our dues, which amounts to having to wait.
We must wait on God so we are ready for Him. We have so much preparation that we must do in order to be what we need to be.
Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet says
Awesome word today! 😀
They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not grow weary. They shall walk and not faint. Teach me, Lord, to wait!
Wanda says
Glad to know I'm not the only impatient one among us. But, you're all right waiting is beneficial for our character and spiritual growth. @ Christian Yes, it looks like we needed the same message. After finishing up and scheduling my post, I received confirmation from reading your WFW post. Love it when He does that sort of thing. 😉 I was @ Ozjane I thank you for the bit of correction. You've helped me to see the many opportunities I've missed to be a blessing to others through prayer. Just goes to show why we need the whole body of Christ to keep us well-grounded and see what we've been blinded to. @ Beth, I'll be sure to check out your regular blog when I get a moment. Appreciate the invitation. @ From the Heart, I pray that God would strengthen and comfort your family during this time and that truth will be revealed regarding the cause of death. @ Arlee, you bring up a good point as well. In the wait is preparation for all areas of our lives. I like to take reading material with me to appointments, too. But never so absorbed that I'm not secretly wishing they'd hurry up…lol. Especially since if I show up too late my appointment is cancelled but they don't mind me waiting. @ Everyone that stop by. I appreciate you visiting and pray that God would strengthen us all as we seek and wait on Him. Hope you a blessed rest of the week!
From the Heart says
Thanks for your prayers.
Blessings, AE
Will Burke says
I used to keep a Gideon's new testament in my pocket for just such occasions as line-ups. You raise a flag, people tend to salute.
Teresa @ ? TOO MANY HEARTBEATS ? says
Oh, I hate to wait, too! But you have given me a whole new perspective! Bless you!
Teresa <><
Rae says
Sometimes I get caught up in everyday life…like waiting in lines and becoming angry that I don't have time to get all my chores done.
But, then I read your blog and take a breath- and remember that God is in control. And I need to talk to him ASAP.
Thanks for the reminder that life is good.