Ever found yourself wishing you could just skip some assignments? Reading through Chapter 3 of Exodus and reading a recent post over at Denise’s and Sharon’s blog, triggered me to thinking about how we all have some assignments we would rather pass up.
The Call of Moses
During an ordinary day of tending his father-in-law’s sheep. Moses sees an unusual occurrence-a burning bush that is not consumed. As he draws closer, the great I Am informs him that he has been hand selected to rescue the Israelites from Egyptian captivity.
I am grateful for a God that is able to capture my attention even in the midst of the mundane tasks of life.
The Excuses of Moses
Like any good person who has been unwittingly volunteered by another individual to do a job that has never been done before, Moses had plenty of reasons why he was unfit for the job. The litany of Moses excuses included being afraid of what other people would think, not being an eloquent speaker, and not being properly equipped for the assignment.
Even with all the time that has passed between the call of Moses and the days of my life, I find myself having those very same excuses. When asked to do something outside of my comfort zone, I wonder:
1. Who am I that I should be the one to do it? Surely there is someone else who can do it better than me.
2. But God surely you know I’m not very good at___________________ (fill in the blank)
3. What if people don’t like what I say or what I write?
The Equipping of Moses
What I like about Moses’ story is that God was patient with him. He didn’t just ignore Moses’ concerns. Although He acknowledge his concerns, He did not acquit Moses from the intended assignment. Instead God reminded Moses that he was the creator.
“Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say. Exodus 4:10-11 (NIV)
Like Moses, I can be consumed with me and totally lose sight of the fact that it’s not about me at all. I’m only the vessel that God chooses to use. Anything that I say or do that has impact on another is only because of the Him. Even with all my flaws, God counts me as usable. Now that is amazing!
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Kim @ Stuff could.... says
I have all the excuses that Moses had! however, I am a vessel for God….I should remember that
Wanda says
Indeed you are a vessel Kim! He’s already using you in ways to reach those around the world.
LaVonne says
Lord, Wanda, you’ve gone and done it now! lol! This is so true, spiritually and physically. I remember one time in grad school I put off one assignment because I thought I “deserved” some time-off. Who told me to do that?! The “make-up” was so painful, I never missed another assignment no matter what was going on. Truly, it pays to reflect on these interactions and conversations with God in Scripture. There are many facets to Moses, but the flow of your story reminded me of one of my other favorites, Gideon. Whenver I read his story, I always end up laughing and crying. God truly is amazing, especially when it comes to His assignments.
Wanda says
LOL. Sounds like you learned a very valuable lesson about that deserved time off. God chooses to use the most unlikely candidates doesn’t he.
yvonne lewis says
A wonderful post Wanda excellently penned.
Wanda says
Appreciate your visit Yvonne
Angel @ Finding The Inspiring says
I think God is trying to tell me something. He has been sending similar messages all week. Your post is challenging yet encouraging. Thank you for your insights. Blessings!
Wanda says
God has a way of getting our attention. When I see a reoccurring theme, I know I need to really pay attention. My prayer is that you heed to His beckoning.
Alida says
I needed to read this today…thank you. My word for the year is Surrender. And I need to just surrender to all that God is calling me to do.
Wanda says
Although we know surrender to God is what’s best for us, it can be difficult for us to relinquish our “perceived” control.
Denise says
Wonderful post! I have been thinking about this a lot lately; when it comes to excuses I seem to have too many! I love how you said “Even with all my flaws, God counts me as usable.” Only He knows what is best for us, and our strength comes from Him! 🙂
Blessings and love friend,
Wanda says
Yes in a world that seeks flawlessness, God uses the foolish things to confound the wise. How could He consider me a vessel fit for His use.
Elizabeth West says
Oh Wanda, great post. You don’t know how much this is needed at this time. My job was just eliminated. I really needed this reminder that I have the capability to do many things. Thank you!
Wanda says
Hi Elizabeth, being thrust out into unknown territory can be scary but He can use what you have in so many ways that you could think.
Ella says
I love this view! We all are flawed, but we have to move forward and learn. Those who shine a bit brighter had to have their share of hard knocks. It is called life….
Happy Friday to you 😀
Wanda says
You make an excellent point Ella. Everyone has had their own share of things to overcome.
no spring chicken says
Hind sight. If we could just remember that we live in time and He lives outside of time. We long for hind sight, He has it. So, who ya gonna trust? As for me and my house…
Nice to meet you Wanda!!
Blessings, Debbie
Wanda says
Hi Debbie, pleasure to meet you. Everything is clearer when looking at from that stand point. It really all boils down to a matter of trust. Do we trust Him enough to believe that if He has called us, He has also equipped us.
yvonne lewis says
Hi Wanda, I believe you sent me a comment but it could not be sent because of the format(whatever that means)
and was told to let you know.
Wanda says
Thanks Yvonne for letting me know. I’m trying out a new plugin to notify individuals when I have responded to their comments. Looks like I need to tinker with it a bit. Thanks!
JBR says
Wanda, I am so glad we have a patient Father. Blessings to you dear one.