Have you found yourself standing in the face of a 9 foot giant recently? It is not likely that either you or I have stood toe-to-toe with such a formidable foe lately. But nevertheless, I have dealt with my set of enormous looking situations. Whether it be relationship issues, work issues, health issues, money issues, or family issues, we all face things that seem insurmountable at some point in life. And what do we do in those times? There is really only two options.
1. Flight or
2. Fight
We could do like Israel‘s army did back in David’s day and just sit around staring at and listening to our Goliath taunt us. Or we could be courageous like David and face our giants. Although making the decision to fight is essential, that is only part of the equation. What are you going into the fight with? Are you using the weapons at your disposal or are you tempted to fight with worldly weapons?
Don’t be so quick to discard your weapons. David was just a boy who had been tending sheep. He certainly did not appear to be an equal match for Goliath. But he did not allow the giant's size nor the nasty words uttered from his mouth to cause him to quiver idly by in a corner. Oh no he decided he was up for the challenge. Now of course no one really thought he would come out alive but they were willing to let him give it try. Determined to help him be better suited for the fight the king issued him some armor. But it was not the weapons David was used to fighting with and he made the wise decision to discard the king’s armor. Instead he relied on five smooth stones. Sounds ludicrous I know but stones and a sling shot were time-tested weapons for him.
The enemy would like nothing more than to have you discard your weapons of prayer, praise, worship, fasting, and declaring to pick up the ill-equipped armor of the world.
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 (KJV)
When we look at things in the natural, it often looks like we are using our spiritual weapons to no avail. But just as I was encouraged from Sunday’s message, I am doing the same for you. If you have allowed your praise, worship, prayer, reading of the Word, etc. to diminish, I urge you to pick back up your weapons my friend. Those weapons are mighty through God.
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Hi Wanda, this reminds me of a post I did back in September; http://friskychile.blogspot.com/2011/09/fight-or-flight.html…it is so true that we have to confront every situation with the weapons that are mighty through God. Great post! 🙂
Blessings and hugs,
Wonderful thoughts, Wanda. The weapons we try to use are often more powerful-looking – but they can do nothing in comparison to our connections with God.
Hi Wanda – “The enemy would like nothing more than to have you discard your weapons of prayer, praise, worship, fasting, and declaring to pick up the ill-equipped armor of the world”. This sentence is awesome and so true! Great post Wanda. I was standing like that this weekend, considering throwing down my spiritual weapons. Great encouragment.
God bless
Boy I really needed this encouragement today sister! THANK YOU!
This is a needed post…we do face giants
and the good news is that giants do die.
Such an encouraging word, Wanda. I love warrior talk like this!
Yes, let’s pick up our weapons, and let’s ask the Holy Spirit for the power to wield them well.
Yes we need not just pick them up but use them strategically.