The other day I was reading in Galatians and the very first passage caused me to do a triple-back. Here is what captured by attention:
This letter is from Paul, an apostle. I was not appointed by any groups of people or any human authority, but by Jesus Christ himself and by God the Father, who raised Jesus from the dead. Gal 1:1 (NLT)
I’m always impressed by Paul’s ability to articulate his mission. Not only did he know what he was called to do but he understood to whom he was to do it. It’s possible to be doing the right thing but doing it in an area that is outside of our given assignment.
But what caused me to keep rereading this passage and meditating on it was that Paul did not have any doubts about who appointed him to do the assignment.
Have you have ever taken on an assignment you weren’t convinced was right for you simply because someone asked you?
I have more than once.
When people make appointments they have the power to dis-appoint when they see fit. And anyone knowing the old Paul certainly would not have deemed him fit to carry the good news. Yet Paul didn’t go about seeking human counsel or approval when he received the divine appointment.
Which leads me to ponder:
1. How can we have that same clarity about our own personal appointments?
2. Are we more inclined to consult with human authority/opinion than first seeking God’s direction and instruction for those personal assignments?
You see I have this bad tendency of wanting to see how someone else has done it. I don’t like being trail-blazer. It’s a rather uncomfortable place to trek out into the unknown.
Not to mention the doubt that some times creep in when I’m launching out into unknown waters.
Oh yes, I get it. In answer to question #1 – we need, need, need the guidance and discernment of the Holy Spirit to help us understand our *appointments* – but God promises if we ask, He will give us wisdom.
That’s true Sharon. However, I’m convinced that sometimes my hearing is a bit faulty 😉
Wanda, often I don’t have that kind of clarity BEFORE I start something, but God makes sure I get the message.
Thanks for sharing that Pam. I can think of a few instances myself that I had no way of knowing it was a God thing until after it was said and done.
Oh my dear friend this spoke to me. I’m too quick to say yes to something without taking it to Him first to make sure it’s something He wants me to say yes to. Right now I’m in a place of realizing I’ve taken on too much and I’ve been seeking His guidance on what to let go of. It’s still a battle for me to push away the other voices that aren’t His to hear His answer. There are also times I pretty sure I know what His answer is but I still struggle to let go.
Yes, there are many good things in which we can participate in but not all of them are the things God are asking us to partake during certain seasons of our lives. Being able to discern between the two has caused me some stress at times because I said yes to appease people instead saying not now.
There lies in most of us a desire to impress, say yes(!) (even when we shouldn’t!), and take on far too much to gain the approval of others. But we don’t need anyone’s approval or reassurance to do what God calls us to do. God has a calling on our lives and we are responsible for fulfilling that call.
Blessings Wanda!
That’s so true Denise. We can get so sidetrack doing good things that pleases others but still miss the God thing God has called us do.
So funny that you’re covering this Wanda. I was reading through Saul’s conversion (Acts 9) over the weekend, and what struck me about him was that he knew authority, how to operate in it (even when he was doing evil). He addressed Jesus as Lord immediately…in his murderous state. He obeyed without question or hesitation. That part of him (acting without questioning) was one of the reasons that even the disciples still feared him after his conversion. He was known to act with authority, and they had a hard time believing that he was now acting on the authority of the Lord for good. Many people have lost all types of divine opportunities because they sit around questioning everything and everyone instead of just following the voice of the Lord.
Help me not to miss it Lord because some times I do way too much analyzing instead of stepping out in obedience. Thanks for that little extra push.
Good post.
You’ve made an interesting and thought-provoking distinction here, Wanda. I’m involved in an area that I’m not certain the assignment is right for me, but I do know that, at least for the moment, God is the one who’s appointed me to it. So that’s my sticking point, not knowing why or how long I will stay at this assignment with the feeling that it’s not right in one particular way. So I seek God for clarity and I also seek the counsel of godly friends and pastors, but at this point, I feel it’s still a waiting game–because I am bound not to move until God tells me to move! So it boils down to trusting that God knows what He’s doing … and of that I’m crystal clear! Great thoughts, my friend and thanks so much for joining the link up!
Beth, I have my share of those assignments as well. They didn’t see to fit at time but like you I’m convinced that it worked into a greater plan that God had, although I didn’t see it at the time.
It is amazing the difference the Holy Spirit can make in our lives. The confidence Paul has is such a testimony to the realness of His belief – especially considering what He did as Saul:) I want that kind of confidence all. day. long! Blessings to you, Wanda – for that confidence to grown and bloom in your week!
Thank you. I Paul was one confident one for sure. I always marvel at him and Jesus. For they both new exactly what they were called to do.
Hi Wanda, stopping by from Wholehearted Home. I have enjoyed pondering your post this morning, thank you. Have a blessed day. Tara.
Hi Tara, what a pleasure to meet you. Always nice to discover new bloggy neighbors.