Oh hello December. Friday am I glad to see you once again. We must quit meeting like this. One thing I’m finding since going off the gird to spend some focused time enjoying my Thanksgiving break is it’s harder to get back into some routines. But I’m happy to bring back my familiar sharing of The Friday Five, which highlights some of the inspiring or helpful information I have discovered around the blogosphere.
My friend Alisa is celebrating the one year anniversary of her book Eve of Awakening by offering free digital copies to readers. Click the imagine below to be taken to her post for further details.
Are you a seller of digital goods? Have you heard about the European Union VAT rules, where any digital good sold to someone in EU will incur a tax? Is this Bad News for Digital Entrepreneurs & Bloggers Everywhere?
If you are WordPress blogger, who is using or has used nRelate plugin to serve up your related posts content you have probably received the nice little notice that they are discontinuing their service effective December 31, 2014. Looking for some alternatives to the popular plugin, check out Gretchen’s post on nRelate Related Posts Plugin Alternatives
Looking for some games/icebreaker ideas for your next Christmas party or ministry fellowship, check out the Women’s Ministry Toolbox.
I like these cute little printables I stumbled upon in 5 Tools to Help Strengthen Your Prayer Life + Free Printables.
What great finds have you came across this week?
Wanda, thanks so much for sharing my icebreaker with your readers! I’m looking forward to exploring your site! Merry Christmas!
You’re welcome Cyndee. Your site has a wealth of information that other’s might find handy. Have a Merry Christmas.
Happy December, Wanda! And thank you for being faithful in giving us information that inspires, encourages, educates and brings a laugh or two when needed most. Finding you online has been something I can give thanks for. Be blessed beyond measure and stay faithful in the little things.
LaVonne, you know the feeling is mutual my dear. You always give me little nuggets of wisdom to chew on. Just like your last line of your comment speaks volumes to me at this very moment. Thanks a million.
Wanda, I always enjoy your finds & look forward to grabbing my coffee in a minute & sitting a bit. Couldn’t find where to link but this is what I read this week >>> http://daysnthoughts.com/2014/12/06/the-random-five-2/
Have a great weekend!
Thanks for joining me Joanne. I look forward to reading what goodies you shared this week. I’m a little late in getting over.
hi Wanda, thanks for the info. will check out your printable.
Hi Ifeoma, I didn’t create them. Just stumbled across and thought others might find them useful. Have a wonderful week.