Hi there precious one,
What gifts are you giving this year?
I know Christmas has passed us and most of our minds are filled with thoughts of how to make the most of the new year. With 14 days into 2013, many have already made a slip or two from those lofty New Year’s resolution. There is absolutely nothing wrong with aiming to be or to do better but let us not get so wrapped up in resolving to be different that we fail to be our true selves.
Before my eyes cracked opened this morning, I heard the whisperer speak…Give the gift of you. As I attempt to shake the sleep from my eyes, I hear Him repeat again give the world the gift being who you are. Ahh, such simple sounding words aren’t they? But I can not tell you how often I have felt that me wasn’t quite enough. My words not weighty enough. My thoughts not profound enough. My skills not quite good enough. What I have to offer too small to be enough to work with yet being the loving Father that He is, He speaks to my heart and reminds me that I only have one true gift to give and so do you.
With sleepy eyes and slow fingers, I grasp my pen to inscribe His words in my journal for I know that I will need them another day. As quick as the words came, they refuse to fade away. They harass me until I not only pen them for myself but send them out into the world as a gift for others to receive.
Three Keys to Giving the Gift of You
1. Be fully present right where you are.
2. Stop seeking to conform to the conventions of others
3. Seek to revel your truest self to others. Don’t send the representative. Send who you really are.
Until next time…
photo credit: josemanuelerre via photopincc
This is a wonderfully inspiring post! You are right: Just give of ourselves. We don’t have to change to fit in–just be and love. Blessings!
Thank you Cynthia! When we give ourselves, we offer to us what do one else can give.
Hi! Wanda….I agree with Cynthia as well just give of ourselves. God has given each of us something that is unique, and we are to give that to someone, leting them know how unique that they are as well. We dont have to change by trying to fit in. Thank you for this bless encouraging message, I needed this today. GOD Bless you! Agape! 🙂
Yes, yes, He has made us of each of us unique but some how we manage to get tied up in the comparison game at times. Wishing you a blessed week.
I LOVE this post. So much truth – I gasped when I read “But I can not tell you how often I have felt that me wasn’t quite enough.” SO been there.
Thanks Joanne. It’s comforting to know others have those same feelings of not enough from time to time.
Thank you, Wanda, for this reminder to be who God created me to be. I’ve already got caught up in 2013 trappings, and had forgotten an experience I had on New Year’s Day. I was at a restaurant and almost finished with my meal when a large family was seated at the table next to me. Almost immediately their little girl, who was maybe around one, started smiling at me and and making friendly gestures. Her red-faced father, assuming I wanted to eat in peace, apologized and said that they were trying to break her from her habit of being too “nosey.” This child’s personality was already being challenged (though innocently) by parents who did not want her to offend people. That little girl ended up being my “act of kindness” that day. I walked up to their table and told them that their daughter was a delight and had brightened my day (which was the absolute truth) and I blessed her life with cash…lots of it. My initial plans for that day was to do some serious shopping, but I gave that child all my “mad shopping” money and went home blessed by her smile. May we all remember that we are lights of delight and be ourselves. Our gift of ourself may change everything in someone’s day.
Love, love the story you shared LaVonne. I think far too often we attempt (innocently) to mold people into what feels comfortable to us rather than giving them the freedom to be as God designed them. I’m sure those parents went home blessed as well from that encounter.
I know that not good enough feeling, all to well. Thank you, Wanda for your encouraging and inspiring post. Love it!
I suppose most of us have encountered that feeling at least once in our lives.
We often drill it into teens, but this is wonderful advice, even for those of us who are brushing up against 60!
Ah yes, I think it’s a great refresher for any of us from time to time.
Thank you Wanda! This was insightful and what i needed to hear!
How did you know? ;D
Don’t you just love it when you heart hears the words it needs the most.
Thank you for this timely post. I was just pondering the other day how my life would be different if I lived like “so and so” or did what “so and so” did. I must repent and embrace the me He created me to be. I am a gift, just waiting to be unwrapped! Blessings!
A gift you are indeed Barbie. The words you release out into the world are beautiful 🙂
So true. We don’t usually think of ourselves as a “gift” to be given to others. Thank you for sharing this insightful and encouraging post!
That’s true Angel for some reason our minds immediately go things when we hear the word gift. But giving others ourselves has a way of blessing far beyond the lifespan of things. Have a great week.
Hi Wanda, I have missed you. I miss reading your inspiring and wonderful post. Happy New Year and God bless!
Hi Lorena, it’s so good to hear from you again. Hope all is well with you. I look forward to catching up. Happy New Year!
Wonderful post Giving just me would certainly be an interesting gift to receive. Blessings to you Wanda.
You’re already giving of yourself in many ways you probably fail to realize. For instance when you share your story on your blog, you’re sending out little pieces of yourself 🙂
I love this Wanda….give the gift of you. Be present. Beautiful.
Yes, yes, be fully present being the beautiful being that you are Nikki.