Today marks a week ago since I learned about the tragic deaths of a former schoolmate and her two children in a fiery crash in Texas. When I heard the news I was shocked. Although I hadn’t seen her for some time, I remembered how she was such a beautiful girl with a sweet spirit. Seeing photos of her and family, revealed the same beauty I remembered. According to newspaper articles, she and her family were living the American dream. I couldn’t make sense of not only she but her two children being taken from the earth in such away. Why was her family left to mourn not one or two but three deaths in the same family?
Heading to church on last Sunday, my spirit was heavy. Of course, I knew that God was good but I couldn’t see His goodness being extended to her family. I thought about how her mother and sisters must have felt and prayed that He would strengthen and comfort them. As I listened to the message, I was reminded of the sovereignty of God. Because He is sovereign nothing gets pass His ever watching eye because He neither sleeps nor slumbers. With further reflection, I saw His miraculous work in how her injured husband was rescued from the crash by some courageous individuals.
The whys of the event are still unanswered but my heart is back in peace with the Master today. Realizing that His ways are not like mine. Daily I’m surrounded by His goodness. So many things I take for granted. Will you please join me in praying for her family at this difficult time?
absolutely Wanda, will pray for the bereaved family. Most often than not, we don't seem to understand God's ways… but we know that Father has our best interest at heart…
I will pray for the family Wanda but it's at times like this I do wonder why?
Heartache of earth vs the hope of Heaven. Never easy. Praying.
I began praying as I read… I will continue to pray for her precious family.
You hit it on the head with one word: SOVEREIGN. GOD is indeed Sovereign — His ways are not our ways and as such we will not understand some things especially as it relates to the death of loved ones and friends BUT I rest in knowing that HE is sovereign and His plans for us are NOT void of HIS love for us.
and saddened for the tender hearts of the loved ones who I know are in pain. May God's peace and comfort pour over them.
…okay, praying sis.
That is a difficult news. Uplifting the family in prayer even as write this comment.
Thanks to each of you for including this family in your prayers. On this side of eternity the whys are often left unanswered but I believe that God will surround this family in their time of bereavement.
Thank You Lord for your You indescribable gift. Lord, we lift up this family. Peace, wonderful peace. Let us dwell in Your presence, Lord. Perfect peace.
Lifting them up in my prayers..
Praying for the family and friends…