What do you really believe?
As I mentioned in Made For More, I have heard the whispers of God prompting and beckoning me to seek more. There is a subtle cry to not settle right where I am. And in the unction to seek more, I have felt the pushed to dig deeper. Yes, to dig past all the superficial stuff I profess to believe and to place the microscope to what beliefs have driven my actions.
And as He has gently pulled back the covers on my core beliefs, I have been surprised and convicted. It’s so easy to rattle off the latest faith catch phrase but are those same words setting the course for how you respond under pressure?
So as I take a moment this weekend to reflect, I’m taking a closer look at what I believe and rehearsing Mark 9:24, Lord I believe; help my unbelief.
Photo Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Excellent! I need this message today.
Holly, happy to hear it resonated with you. May we both hear and heed his teaching.
Amen and Amen…I pray that the Lord will reveal what He would have you to see. May your heart be open and your ears inclined to the Lord. Thank you for the reminder to take time to be quiet and examine our hearts and what we really believe.
Thank you Susan. I don’t want to miss the lesson.
Wanda, I am certainly digging deeper in Him! Thank you for this message. Blessings.
Blessings to you JBR. Keep digging my friend.
Well said, we all doubt at times our path. I’m especially torn at the moment, myself.
Thank you Wanda! 😀
I pray that you’re able to sort things Ella.
Wanda, what can I say? I’ve spent a good portion of this year studying “the twelve” and their relationship to Jesus, and was amazed/humbled by how they acted under pressure, considering all the miracles they had seen. They were specifically chosen by Him, touched by Him, prayed with Him; and still their hearts could be shaken. There was this fear of being away from His presence. To be honest, this has left me on my face before God, whispering one prayer: “Increase our faith.” (Luke 17:5). Sometimes, it does not feel as if God is near, fear and doubt can creep in; but we must keep standing on faith. His Holy Spirit is with us and in us. We live by faith; walk by faith; have grace by faith; are saved by faith; please God by faith. Increase our faith, Lord.
I’m often amazed at how the disciples were able to see with their own eyes but struggled with disbelief as well. It lets me know that in fact seeing is not always believing.
Amen!! And I have a few areas in my life that I am praying that same passage…Lord, help my unbelief!
joy and blessings to you,
I guess we all find some areas in our lives that is easy to believe than others. Have a great week Alida.