Although the holiday season brings about a sense of joy and wonder, it can also plunge one into stress with all the hectic schedules, shopping, parties, family gatherings, church programs, baking and holiday decorating. Couple all that with our normal duties and it is to feel overwhelmed. Whew, just the thought of it all makes my head spin a bit.
However, it’s important for us during the rush of the season (and in life in general) to pull away from the madness at times.
Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with his mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me [ceased from fretting] Psalms 131:2 (AMP)
We can’t always quiet the happenings around us but we have the ability to cease our souls from fretting. Charles Stanley’s In Touch magazine devotional for today pointed out three keys ways to silence our souls and I wanted to share them with you today.
- Solitude – the introvert in me craves solitude and without it I’m not a happy camper. Read through the Bible and you find crowds of people flocked around Jesus and he regularly traveled with his disciples. It seems that Jesus was definitely a people person. Yet you find him pulling away from the crowds to spend alone time with His father.
- Safeguarded Time – set aside specific time to recharge. I must admit that I haven’t done a good job of this one lately. What time can you carve out that’s just for you? There will always be one more than thing that you could do. But how about penciling in this sacred time in your calendar.
- Stillness – Psalms 46:10 tells us to be still and know that I am God. I have talked about being still/quiet here before in my post titled Quiet Confidence and Quiet Please. Yes there are times we need to physically be still but I have come to learn that stillness is more than just the absence of physical movement.
Which of these do you have the hardest time implementing?
photo credit: cliff1066™ via photopincc
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I’ve learned to do those fairly well, although there are days I slip. I try to start off right by reading my Bible and praying before I go to work.
You’re ahead of the game Alex! My day goes so much better when I start it off that way.
Thank you once again, Wanda, for such timely words. My physical self wanted to keep up with the neighborhood and get out there with the shopping and decorating this weekend, but my spirit said, “NO.” I am being obedient to my spirit. Solitude. Safeguarding. Stillness.
Oh I’m guilty today of getting in decorating mode around here. However, there are days that all I can do is embrace solitude, safeguarding and stillness.
My, goodness, we sound alike! I long for solitude, but it’s very hard to achieve. I am committed to carving out that personal time each day during December, one way or another. Great blog, great post. I LOVE that beautiful photo!
Meanwhile, you’re being tagged for a Liebster Award! You can read more about it at, the Dec. 1 post, but meanwhile, here are the rules:
The rules are:
Each person tagged must post 11 things about themselves.
They must also answer the 11 questions the tagger has set for them.
They must create 11 more questions to ask bloggers they have decided to tag.
They must then choose 11 special bloggers to tag & award with the Liebster award with less than 200 followers.
These lucky bloggers must be told in a comment on their blog.
I hope you find it fun!
Well thank you for the lovely compliments and award. It’s quite an honor. Wishing you and yours a peaceful & happy holiday season.
So inspiring and affirming. Thank U! Blessings, Sue 🙂
Thanks Susan! Hope you have a great day.
Wanda, thank you for sharing those three powerful “S’s” with Scripture. Blessings my dear.
They really struck a chord with me as I read them so I wanted to share.
You and I are kindred spirits, Wanda. Even on a spiritual retreat with a great group of Christians I need time alone, just Jesus and me.
The most challenging of the three would be stillness–I get so restless and even if my body is still my mind is racing and bounding from one thought to another.
Thanks for the gentle reminder.
Indeed we are kindred spirits Pam 🙂 Stillness is challenging for me as well because shutting off all the mental white noise can be quite a task for me as well.
Without a doubt, stillness is the hardest for me. I can find a way to physically stop myself from activity, but it’s my endlessly restless mind that often resists that inner quieting. I also struggle with insomnia, and that is more a product of an anxious mind than anything else.
Oh Lord, teach me how to be still. I so want to hear what You have to say in the quiet places in my heart.
Great post to ponder over, Wanda.