Home is suppose to be the place where we are free to be all of who we are.
Free to drop every façade. Free to escape the demands of this world and settle in to the power of to just be.
But what happens when we allow the stuff of unfulfilled expectations to chase away our serenity?
What happens when our little place of shelter now speaks of the mirage of me?
How do we come back from the brink and find our place of solace once again?
photo credit: galaxies and hurricanes via photopincc
{This post uses Lisa Jo’s 5-Minute Friday prompt of home. Yes I know it’s really Saturday }
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Margo Kelly says
Great post! Love the picture, too. I agree with your thoughts, and I think we can return our home to a place of solace by getting rid of the clutter, getting rid of the things that weigh us down. If we surround ourselves with things that bring us peace and joy, we can relax in our homes. 🙂
Wanda says
Thank you Margo. Emptying out the clutter does make for a much calmer place inside and out.
LaVonne says
I absolute love the power in these simple reflections, Wanda. I have learned that I have to be at home, at harmony, within, before I handle the clutter around me. It is very difficult to deal with the clutter when we are not at home with ourselves. May we all embrace the gifts from above that give us the peace, the faith and the love to truly experience home within us and around us.
Wanda says
Makes perfect sense LaVonne so many times I have heard the our surroundings are a reflection of what is going on in the inside of us.
Sharon says
Beautifully poignant, Wanda. Clutter – both literally and within us – can become a weapon of the enemy to ensnarl and entangle us so we become ineffective and defeated.
Clearing up the clutter can only come by praying for God’s perspective on life, on circumstances, on ourselves.
One thing that helps me is to remember that this world is not my REAL home. And I am really a saint just waiting to come into Glory!!
Wanda says
Thank you for the helpful insight you shared Sharon. Clutter does have a way of blocking our productivity. I have a bit of prayerful weeding I need to do.
Tracy says
Hi Wanda, sometimes my home feels like the least welcoming place! But it takes work and effort for it to be our sanctuary. Great thought provoking post to get us to remember our homes should be a place to let our hair down.
God bless
Wanda says
That’s very true Tracy. We think of sanctuary as place of rest and peace but it takes some work to achieve that state of being consistently.
Brianna says
Fighting clutter is an everyday battle. As soon as I remove something, something else takes its place literally and figuratively. Thanks for the reminder that the fight is worth it!