Called to serve. That’s a popular phrase among the believers’ community. And it is true that Christ wants us to be servants. But an email forwarded to me from Renee Swope’s 7-Day Doubt Diet devotion made a clarion call to me this morning to reexamine the balance between my serving and seeking. In it she states,
Looking back now, I can see that I was doing a lot of good things, but not all of them were God’s things for me during that season of my life. The truth is I was serving God more than I was seeking God.
It’s rather easy to get caught up in doing “good things” in our lives and being in service to God and others is a good thing. But our service should come as an extension of our seeking of God. Yet in the midst of the hectic service schedules, it’s easy to push our personal time of sitting before and seeking God to back of our lists.
And when those lists crowd out those alone times with God, it has a way of sapping our strength, enthusiasm and productivity. Doing the work of God doesn’t equal knowing God. And it’s the knowing of Him that makes the difference in our lives—not just what we do.
Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles. Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers! Matthew 7:22-23 (NIV)
I don’t want to be consumed with performing good acts for God’s only to hear Him proclaim He never knew me in the end.
Could there possibly be some areas that you no longer need to serve? Is your seeking in balance with your service?
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles /
This really spoke to my hear this morning. As a full-time working mom who works for her Pastor, I serve in a lot of areas of ministry and do a lot of things at home that I call ministry. The Lord has been speaking to my heart to seek Him to find out what truly matters. Thank you!
When we feel His tugging, you know there’s more He wants to reveal to us. I pray that as He reveals to you what matters that you will have the courage to follow His leading even if that means letting some things go for a season.
Praise the LORD!! Good afternoon Wanda..GOD is GOOD. I just finish sharing what you have said here in your message that this morning I was listening to a Powerful Word saying just this that (I) need to say No!! to somethings and spend more time knowing my LORD Christ Jesus. When we wanting to do good things but still not Seeking after Him. WoW!! I am surly going to put Him first (WHO) is my first priority. Because I do not want Him to have to tell me “Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles. Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers! Matthew 7:22-23 (NIV) I call this conformation…Thank you for being obiedent and sharing this with us, and the Sister that called you as well. Have a bless Monday. 🙂 Agape!
Knowing what to say no is just as important as knowing when to say yes. No not now isn’t always a bad thing if it allows us the opportunity to serve in those capacity that Christ as called us to in this particular season of our lives. As woman I think we forget that just as natural season change, so do our seasons of service.
Wonderful post Wanda. Always appreciate what you share. Also, your blog is well put together. Blessings.
Thank you JBR. I think this is my far my favorite blog layout I had thus far in my blogging journey
Great post Wanda; we should pour out all we have to seek God with diligence and serve Him with obedience! 🙂
Blessings dear sister,
Okay, Wanda, I have to ask this, “were you in my room during my prayer time this morning?” You’ll understand when you get to reading my blog for today. My prayer is, “help us, Lord!”
“Doing the work of God doesn’t equal knowing God. And it’s the knowing of Him that makes the difference in our lives—not just what we do.” Well said, Wanda. We think we KNOW Him….but we haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of ALL He is. We should never stop seeking His face. Great contemplative post.
Patrina ><
That’s so true Patrina. We never come to fully knowing Christ.