What are the things that causes doubt to invade your thoughts? Having doubts is not a topic those in the Christian community like to discuss. To openly express one’s doubts is akin to standing fearfully before a firing squad. You just know it’s the end of your creditability and your cool-church-kid cape you have been wearing.
The firing squad stands aimed and ready to fire with scriptures like without faith it’s impossible to please God(Heb 11:6) or let not a double-minded man think he should receive anything from the Lord (see James 1:6-8). When faced with that arsenal of truth, it’s no wonder many keep those secret doubts to ourselves.
But I like the way Thomas handled his doubt. He didn’t silently sit by trying to keep his cool points. Nope, he tore off the mask and acknowledge his true condition.
But he replied, “I won’t believe it unless I see the nail wounds in his hands, put my fingers into them, and place my hand into the wound in his side.” John 20:25 (NLT)
Thomas admission of doubt doesn’t put him on the grand pedestal of faith. But it does give us an example of how to get the help we need. Jesus was well aware of Thomas’ doubt and he presented himself again to the disciples and specifically addressed Thomas’ doubts.
Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and look at my hands. Put your hands into the wound in my side. Don’t be faithless any longer. Believe!” John 20:27 (NLT)
Faith is central to our lives but there is no power in fake faith. Thomas doubt didn’t intimidate Jesus and neither does ours. Although it’s not necessary for us to confess areas of doubt to others, it’s vital that we expose it to the One that can truly help us. It’s rather easy to dismiss this and say you have no areas of doubt but I’m encouraging you to dig deeper.
Perhaps you don’t doubt that Jesus exist but do you doubt that he can use you in service to others?
Do you ever doubt that His word will be fulfilled completely in your life?
Are there times you look at the lives of those you are praying for and doubt they will ever change?
Do you feel unsure if you have the skills to complete a certain task?
Through this journey, I have learned I can be full of faith in some places and lacking it other areas of my life.
photo credit: Roo Reynolds via photopincc
What Others Are Sharing on Doubt/Thomas
- TOUCH MY HANDS – A Poem (sharonsharinggod.blogspot.com)
- Amazing or Amusing? (corbenstreet.wordpress.com)
- Doubt builds faith (thegatewaydunk.wordpress.com)
- stop doubting Thomas! (lucy-mills.com)
- Dangerous Wonder by Philip Yaconelli (abookcoffeeandthepark.wordpress.com)
- The Double-Minded Man (iwanttobelieveingod.com)
LaVonne says
Amen, Wanda, Amen! The church, as a body, is in need of an awakening to doubt. Many think that if they squelch the mention of doubt, that doubt will go away, but it only intensifies in “secret”, and we know that Satan’s best playing ground is when he can get someone who’s “holding it in.” I know one pastor’s wife who had a rule that “only positive” things could be spoken and she stuck with that policy right through a nervous breakdown. Needless to say, they are no longer pastoring a church. We have to learn and encourage others to cry for help! We have to be vocal. If Jesus needed the aid of angels when when Satan challenged Him with the little word “IF” (Matthew 4:11, Mark 1:13), then how can we possibly think we can sit quietly and not cry for help when “IF” arises in our minds? God is our helper, and I say cry for help WHEN doubts arise; for they certainly will. Doubts are not dangerous because they arise, they become dangerous when they are left to dwell.
Wanda says
So very eloquently stated LaVonne. We miss the opportunity for healing when we refuse first to be honest with ourselves and God.
Elizabeth West says
I don’t want to be a Thomas, but I sometimes am. Right now I’m trying very hard to trust that what I asked for will be given. It was before, now I want it back. I have asked God to please excuse my panic, which is how my doubt manifests itself. When I do panic I try very hard to say “Please give me peace while you work on the miracle I asked for. Thank you for what I already have.” I can’t say it is perfect, and neither am I, but it helps.
I see little things that are in line with what I asked for. Now is the time when I don’t want to jump the gun, or mess it up by freaking out. Thomas had Jesus right there in front of him to show him. I’m trying to stay open to that. I know Jesus isn’t going to appear in front of me (I’d probably faint!) and say “Look, here’s a thing—see it? I’m doing it,” but I know He listened to me before, so hopefully this means He is working on it. I’m also trying not to whine and to be patient because I know the thing I asked will take a bit of time.
Wanda says
I understand about not wanting to but finding yourself in the midst of doubt Elizabeth. Remembering, rehearsing and reciting how God has come through for us in the past is a great tool I believe when we are in this midst of situations.
Elizabeth West says
Now I found out something that is part of what I asked for. I’m trying very hard not to be negative. This morning I woke up thinking, “What if God is answering his prayer, but ignoring mine?” I’m trying to not think that, because the information came right on the heels of me asking what I could do to facilitate the miracle, and a revelation that I needed to let go of my anxiety. I AM TRYING REALLY HARRRRDD ARRGGHHH
Wanda says
Hi Elizabeth, your comment brings to mind an issue my sister and I have been discussing over the weekend. I know scripture tells us God gives us the desires of our heart but what happens we our desires are opposing some one else’s desires about about the same situation. Of course I don’t know the details of your situation but we can trust that God does hear our prayers but the manner in which he chooses to answer them don’t always look like what we expected. I’m seeing that in my own life write now. I prayed about something and the situation did a complete opposite of what I thought but this weekend He brought to mind about certain requests I had made. And when I look at it , I indeed see the answer came. Learning to rest in the fact that God has us comes easier to some than others it seems. I’ll be keeping you in prayers.
Elizabeth West says
Thank you Wanda, and you are in mine. 🙂 The change, if it happens, would have been beneficial to both of us before, because it’s what that person wanted, and I was okay with it either way (it was about location). What actually happened is where some of the problems came about. If you think about it the opposite way, his desires were opposing mine, ha ha. So if his prayer is answered, then there is the possibility that mine will be also, in the way that I want. That is what I have asked for.
kim-Stuff could... says
I like this thought….funny how it is akin to being in front of a firing squad
Wanda says
Thanks Kim. No one wants to face that firing squad. But thank goodness God doesn’t deal with us that way.
Holley Gerth says
Such encouraging insights, Wanda!
Wanda says
Thank you Holley. What a pleasant surprise to have you stop by. I love your blog!
sistertosister53 says
Good Afternoon Sister Wanda…I truly thankful that you brought this out. Because I must say that I am one that has had doubts in certain areas in my walk as a Christian. I have had doubts that if I would be able to be that solider that God wants me to be for the Kingdom of GOD. I have had doubt as well for members of my family or some that I have wittness to would they even want thier lives to change. I have had others these kinds of thoughts as a person like Thomas as well. God knows weather anyone else would know..because God is the all knowing God. He knows our thoughts, our hearts. I feel great that I can be honest about I need Jesus Christ to help me in certain areas in my own Christian life. God bless you and thank you for sharing this..It would be so easy for me to knock old Thomas, and not see my own doubts. Amen!! Love you… Have a bless day. 🙂
Wanda says
Thank you Sis Betty for sharing that. Sometimes it’s so easy to point out the flaws in others and fail to see the reflection of ourselves. But it’s refreshing to know that we come before the Father without covering just where we are. I started listening to an episode of your show on ShoeTalk the other day. I was certainly encouraged by what I heard. Have a great weekend. Keep on spreading the light of Christ.