What do you do when the unexpected comes along?
Yesterday, I got a bit of jarring news. Something perhaps I knew it was time for change. But nevertheless, the change was not in the manner that I expected.
Life has a way of dishing out those things to us.
Even in the midst of uncertainty one thing remains certain—I am not lost to God.
He knows right where I am.
And He promises to guide me along the right paths for my life.
So even though I don’t understand the crook this path is taking me, I trust that I am right where I need to be at this very moment.
Side note: Sweet friends, I have missed you. Being away a few days for a meeting and choosing to savor my Saturday to just rest, I have had hard time getting by rhythm again. But you have been in my thoughts and prayers. Wherever you are know that He’s right there with you!
Praying you will see around the bend soon, Wanda. So comforting to know we are right where God wants us to be. I just finished a Christian romance with this theme called Talk of the Town, by Lisa Wingate. (Downloaded it for free from Amazon to my iphone. ) I found the book well-written and very encouraging. Have a blessed week!
Thank you sweet lady for your prayers. Oh I just love those great book finds from Amazon. I’ll have to look this one up.
I hope all is well, Wanda.
I’m still trying to trust in Him. Hoping for the miracle I asked for. Maybe it will happen when I least expect it. Because right now, it doesn’t look very likely.
Hi Elizabeth, it’s well. At times things come can take your breath away momentarily.
Remain in expectation of Him Elizabeth but don’t be set on Him doing it in a particular way. He often does the unexpected. God does answer prayer.
Not caring much HOW He does it; I’m flexible on that one. Just so the one specific thing is there, that’s all. 🙂
That’s great Elizabeth. Sometimes I find myself so fixated on how I want a particular situation to work out that miss it when He does begin to work in a given area. Have a great day!
I am praying for you, Wanda. Your PATH is no surprise to God, and He has a plan; this I know for sure. Our uncertainty is His certainty and He will bear you up with unconditional love and faithfulness, and, yes, MIRACLES! He is our AWESOME GOD!
It’s truly comfort in knowing that He indeed has a plan and knows just what He’s doing & how to get me to His expected end. Thanks so much for your prayers.
Take care Wanda! You are in my thoughts n’ prayers~
I love your site 😀
Thanks Ellie 🙂
Hi Wanda its good to see you back, and I do hope you had gotten you plenty of rest. I do understand why I am at a certain place in my journey, but it then comes to me that He has the plan for my life. I must follow His lead, and not my own…I thank Him for His guidance, and protection every day and night. God Bless you. Agape! 🙂
With these dark mornings, I find myself wanting to hug my bed much longer but my soul does feel better rested. As humans, we to understand but His word teaches us to lean not to our understanding (all that at times I find it a bit difficult) but I find comfort in knowing He has a plan and He knows just what He’s doing. May we each have the courage to patiently wait and walk in obedience as He directs our paths. Blessings.
“Even in the midst of uncertainty one thing remains certain—I am not lost to God.
He knows right where I am.”
Love this Wanda. I needed to read this today.
Blessings to you Bernadine. When we are feeling lost we sometimes forget that God knows just where we are. May we keep that at the forefront of our minds & hearts.
This posts mirrors my most recent post in so many ways. God has equipped us with all that we need to handle life’s unexpected, when visited upon the key is to remember that and rise to the occassion.
Stay blessed Rhapsody
Hi Rhapsody, I look forward to reading what you have shared on this theme. It’s always interesting to see how God speaks to others. Have a great weekend.