Seeing this title might have brought to mind Rick James’ song Fire and Desire. But that’s not the fire or desire I will be discussing for the letter D. Instead D is for David. As I have been doing some reading lately, I have found a new appreciation for David. Not because he was a giant slayer but rather the depth of character he displayed when under fire.
At a time when Saul was out to assassinate him, he didn’t allow his trials to take away his concern for others. How many of us when faced with difficulties desire just to focus on ourselves? Even on the run David had people looking to him for direction and he did not send them away. Instead he became a leader to them.
All those who were in distress or debt or discontented gathered around him, and he became their leader. I Samuel 22:2
He could have been despondent, but instead you see him finding encouragement in God.
I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips. Psalms 34:1
He could have turned a deaf ear when he heard about the Philistines were fighting against Keilah instead He rendered aide even though it put him at risk.
So after reading about David, what is the application to us? When you are under fire do you give in to the desire to be discouraged? During those times of hardship do you neglect your duties failing to realize you still have substance to offer others?
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yvonne lewis says
A great inspirational D post Wanda.
Joanne Sher says
David is such a complex character – so much to learn from him. Thanks, Wanda.
Wanda says
David certainly had his faults but I seeing new things I read through my chronological Bible
debra says
David is one of my favorite, always inspires me. Thanks for visiting today.
Wanda says
Debra, we can definitely glean at lot from His life even his shortcomings.
LaVonne says
What a challenge. When my house is burning down, do I stop and help my neighbor? When I’m down to my last dime, do I give it to a stranger? When I’m so weary I can’t think straight, do I still visit the nursing home? Yes, what do I do when I’m under fire? I remember the Lord, as David did; I cry to the Lord, as David did; I ask for strength, as David did. I remember that when I am at my weakest, when I am at my worst, God still has a purpose and I must live it out even when times are hard. This is the test of the crucified life and I hope to pass it.
Wanda says
LaVonne, you always leave me pondering more with your thoughtful comments.
Annalisa Crawford says
A lovely post.
Wanda says
Hi Annalisa, thanks for stopping in. Happy A-Zing
Shannon says
I try to lean on God during those times…yet it isn’t always my first instinct…sometimes I get discouraged and want to whine…thanks for sharing
Wanda says
I agree Shannon, it goes against our natural instinct to remain consistent and suck up the whining when we find ourselves under fire. But with God’s help it’s possible
Cathy says
Stopping by from the A-Z challenge. I love your posts, and am now following via RSS in google reader.
Wanda says
Thank you Cathy, happy to have you following the post and look forward to getting to know more about you through the A-Z challenge.
KarenG says
I just read another excellent post on David. Very informative and inspirational, Wanda!
Pam says
You give me much to think about here, Wanda. Great insight.
septembermom says
Thank you so much Wanda for this inspirational post. You gave me good food for thought tonight!
Brenda says
I’ll have to admit that the focus tends to be on myself as the initial ‘shock’ of the situation hits. But God is so faithful to gently turn me towards Him and help me pray through and get beyond it.
Wanda says
Oh I will admit I often to consume with me, me, me as well. But as you said thank God for his loving correction.