Happy first Friday of September! On Friday’s I like to share a few favorite finds I have discovered in blogland. This weeks Friday Five are:
Pam’s questions led me to question my own ability if given the challenge of reading from a particular book of the Bible would I be familiar enough with it to begin to read some scriptures that were relevant to the opportunity at hand? Would you Be Prepared?
Some days it is easy to lose sight of what truly matters but Emily tells The Truth About Social Media –And How It’s Wrecking Us. These lines really struck me in
What does it matter if our towels don’t match or we don’t have a chalkboard declaring the menu for every upcoming meal? What does it matter if our dreams aren’t turning out the way we’d hoped, or we aren’t “trending” on Twitter? Someone’s mother is crying for fear of her child not living to see the next day—because in spite of working from sun-up to sun-down, she can’t even provide him a bowl of porridge. –Emily t. wierenga
Alisa’s post, Why I’m Okay With Filtering My Life Despite My Honesty, is another great read that reminds us about finding the balance of social media. She says, “Not Everything Has to Be Immortalized On The Internet”. I couldn’t agree more.
As we head into the cooler days of fall, Lisa’s Summer Remembrance is lovely a call to remember the deeds of the Lord throughout every season.
And though the events of the world were far less bucolic through this summer, it remains important to remember that which was abundant, that which was brimming with blessing and goodness. In every season harken back to treasures that came your way, whispered from the heavens by God’s grace to season your life with His love and provision. – Lisa
Speaking of fall, I love Misty’s ideas on her The Single Life: Autumn Bucket List 2014. Rather than making it all about her the list is centered around others and include things like a hometown mission trip and “boo” a neighbor, which I hadn’t heard of before. See how educational blogging can be…lol.
So there you have friends my recommended five reads for your weekend….Happy Reading
Thanks for the shout out, Wanda. I always look forward to both your posts and your comments. I particularly liked Alisa’s post–EVERYTHING should NOT be on the Internet!
You are welcome Pam. Your words left quite impression upon upon me and they linger in my thoughts for quite some time. In today’s society, I think it’s becoming harder for some people to recognize the boundaries between what is public domain and what should be kept private.
Wanda, as always your list of posts is wonderful. I had read Emily’s, which was wonderful but the others were all new to me. Each one blessed me this morning! Have a wonderful weekend!
Glad you were able to find some new to you Joanne. Have a wonderful and productive week dear.
So, I blinked in January and now it’s September. But, thank God for FRIDAY FIVE. This weekend may just be the time to set aside social media and all the other things that just don’t seem to stop, so I can call some of God’s goodness to remembrance and make a memorial. Love and blessings, Wanda.
Oh I do understand LaVonne. The older I get the more time seems to hurry along yet there are still some things that are slow moving. Have a blessed week ahead LaVonne. You are a wise woman and you are always pulling out nuggets of truth so I know you are one who can pull to remembrance the goodness of the Lord.
Hi Wanda! I like Pam’s writing, and had read her post already. So glad you chose her! I’ll have to check out these other bloggers. Always a pleasure to find new inspiration.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Pam’s post was quite thought provoking indeed. Hope the week ahead is a great one for your Ceil.
I try not to accustom myself to any one thing, material or otherwise, i find it easier, that and managing my expectations.
Have a fabulous Sunday and a great week ahead.
Same to you Rhapsody.