Is your mind plagued with trash or brimming with gems?
One of the books I’ve started reading this year is Joyce Meyer’s Power Thoughts. It has been waiting among the heap of books on my TBR pile for quite sometime. But for whatever reasons, I decided to delve into this year. The quote below stood out to me.
Your mind can be a junkyard or treasure chest, and you alone have the power to choose what it will be.
I read some where that the average number of thoughts per day is between 12,000 to 50,000. Now that’s a lot of thinking. Much of what flounders through my mind is random frets, worries, or anxieties about upcoming tasks. One moment my thoughts are on work and the next a myriad of other things are pressing on my mind.
According to Joyce we have the power to make a choice. During this year, I am trying to be more cognizant of making better choices on where I allow my thoughts to dwell. Philippians 4:8 admonishes us to think wisely.
Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious – the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. (The Message)
A key to making the most of our new beginning this year is garrisoning our thought life. Wishing you a year of mindful thinking!
Taking your thought-life captive is SO helpful to living the life God wants you to. Thanks for the reminder, Wanda!
Good post, Wanda. Our thoughts are often expressed through our words and actions so if we can fill our minds with what pleases God, our words and actions will follow.
Wanda, I am renewing my thoughts/attitudes daily (sometimes by the minute–lol!), so I can understand what it is that the Lord wants me to do and not get off track.
Hi Wanda – I love Joyce Meyer! She is so practical and down to earth. Great post, lots to think about. I also love Phil 4v8. Especially when i start focusing on all the bad in the world, etc. I feel like God is giving me permission to focus on the good stuff.
God bless
I really like this post and I believe the Scripture from Philippians. I find that when I start my day with prayer and meditation with the Lord, as well as my Scripture readings, my mind stays more focused. Whenever I start to fret or worry, I remember the day’s reading and think about the mountains that have been moved in the past. This reaffirms my faith and eases my mind. I will be sure to create a bookmark or notebook holding this Scripture. Be blessed, my friend! ~Cynthia
I like these thoughts that are in this book….I listen to her sermons about it. I need to hear them
Wonderful post Wanda, sometime my thoughts change quite quickly. Most enjoyable to read.
Great post Wanda! Yes, I have to be careful and be aware of what I think. Just like my word for this year Focus, focus on what is right, true, and think positive thoughts. I love Joyce Meyer!
What a great book to start your new year Wanda. 🙂
I know that God doesn’t approve of all the thoughts that go through my head, but He stays with me right or wrong until I get things sorted out. I have discovered that the more I struggle, the more I become stronger spiritually. I’m determined to continue to hang on and fully rely on God’s grace and mercies, and praise Him for His loving faithfulness and grace. 🙂
Blessings and hugs,
I gifted this book to my sister for her birthday last year, Wanda, it’s
such a great book to start off the year. We all need to be careful to take captive every thought,
that does not line up with the Word and what God wants for our lives.
God Bless