For the past several days I have been reading and rereading the same passage of scriptures from Isaiah 55 and Isaiah 58:11. Just allowing my eyes to linger on the words and giving the ample opportunity to soak deep within my heart. The words remind me of the parch places I used to dwell. They remind me of time when all I could do was cling to His promise of quenching the thirst of those who were thirsty. Those life giving waters gave me hope. And here I am again drinking again from those well. In fact it's daily that I need to be found savoring these waters but far too often I allow the demands and cares of this world to draw me away from the very thing that supplies the sustenance to sustain all my doing.
Tonight I decided to read these passage in The Message Bible, which reads,
I will always show you were to go.
I'll give you a full life in the emptiest of places—
Isaiah 58:11a
That one little phrase a full life in the emptiest of places really spoke to me. If left with a choice, most of us would choose to be in a place of abundance rather than one that is bare (although bare doesn't have to mean you're barren). But those words—a full life in the emptiest of places–tells me that our surroundings do not have define the state of our lives.
Things around you can be bare but yet your life be still full. I have written before about how we are often full yet empty. But what does a full life in the midst of the empty place really look like is the question that stirs in my thoughts.
Cynthia says
Amen, Wanda! May we always thirst for His Word; reading and rereading His Holy Scriptures. I absolutely love the passage you provided. I will hold it close to my heart. Blessings!
Wanda says
It’s amazing the nuggets that you can glean from just reading a passage of scripture in another translation. I’m definitely holding it close to my eyes & heart. Hope you’re having a great week Cynthia.
LaVonne says
These words are very timely. I was talking to a friend recently who was in tears because, as she put it, “no matter what I do, I feel like I’m on the losing side.” She feel as if she was just “clinging.” I reminded her that God does not see our circumstances the way we do, and that we are never really empty because He fills us. I know that is very hard to accept when we don’t feel it. I’ve been there a time or two myself, but I know beyond doubt that God has never left me empty; not even when I felt lifeless.
Wanda says
Preach it girl! Oh I’ve felt empty many times but you’re so right in my low state there was the fullness of God there. These passages of scripture from Isaiah have just been sweet to my soul.
Nikki says
I am at a place where I need some direction. This is perfect to hold onto.
Wanda says
You know I’ve been feeling a bit lost lately but just reading and meditating on those passages of scripture has reassured me that God doesn’t just direct my steps once but He is continually guiding me along the paths of my life. And you can be assured that He is doing the same for you Nikki.
Nikki says
I believe Wanda…I really do! have a great weekend with the knowing that He’s got everything under control.
Wanda says
Thanks Nikki. I hope it didn’t come across as if I was saying you didn’t believe. Hope you’re enjoying a wonderful Saturday.
Betty says
Praise The LORD!! Amen!! Amen!! Thank you! GOD Bless you Wanda…. 🙂
Wanda says
Blessings to you Sis. Betty.
alisa says
I love how God takes our emptiness and makes us full! We have to allow ourselves to be emptied, which is so hard sometimes. But I trust that He will core me out and fill me back up with His abundance!
Thank you for offering me this meditation today. I feel strengthened today to press on in faith!
Wanda says
Happy to hear that encouraged you Alisa that passage of scripture has definitely been nourishing my soul this week.
eniola prentice says
Your last question is definitely though provoking. I think sometimes you need to just pause and be still instead of keeping ourselves busy to distract ourselves from the pain or hurt we feel. I know I do that though.
Great read. Found you through Christian women blogs
Wanda says
Hi Eniola, so glad to have you stop over from BCW. Always a joy to connect with fellow sisters in Christ. I couldn’t agree with you more. For most of us we have learn to keep busy rather than really deal with areas of hurt but even in those places God promises to give us a full life. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas.