There is something about choosing to focus on eating better that makes you more aware of the hunger pains and noisy stomach growls. You want to be more conscious of fueling your body and not just feeding the aches in your soul. Oh now tell me I’m not alone in the matter. Haven’t you ever found yourself wandering in the kitchen foraging the cabinets for ANYTHING but a carrot or something the least bit nutritious?
That’s where I found myself yesterday. But because I had cleared by cabinets of junk there was nothing to find. But I was not to be deterred. CHOCOLATE was on my mind and I hadn’t had any for weeks. Soooo being the baker that I am, I whipped up a batch of brownies to satisfy my taste for chocolate. And oh how those brownies satisfied my desire for some CHOCOLATEY goodness! It was good to me but not so good for me. And I allowed my hunger for something sweet to derail my focused pursuit of a healthier eating plan. Granted hitting this pot hole in the road does not have to have me sidelined permanently from my goal.
TRUTH is I WANTED it and I allowed myself to have it because as an adult I have the right to make the choice.
TRUTH is WHAT I have taste for in the moment often pauses if I fill myself with other things more suitable.
TRUTH is the THING I think I hunger for is often NOT what leaves me feeling FULFILLED.
But I often make the unwise choice anyway and as it is in the natural so it is in the spiritual. Is it not? There are many things to fill our time, hearts, and minds. While there is plenty of it that can be rewarding, much of it can leave us still hungry for something of sustenance. We need that which sustains to weather the winters while still clinging to our yes.
Why It’s Easier to Fuel on Trash
- It cost us less: Ever noticed how the food items we can get our hands on the quickest by way of that handy-dandy dollar menu tend to be those that are the worst for us, although they have the least upfront cost? It costs less to just go with the crowd and do what comes easiest.
- Forsaking ourselves is not pleasant: Everyone can appreciate the freedom of choice but having the discipline necessary to stick to the choice we made in unfavorable circumstances or when our flesh cries out for the opposite can be down right unbearable (or least that is what our screaming emotions tell us at the moment). Telling yourself NO can be difficult.
Those things in which we allow to fill our time from the social media we ingest, to the books and television shows we let lull us away in the name of entertainment, to the internal voices that we give ear to for a little too long ALL have a way of sinking into our hearts and minds and fueling our appetites. What we see, hear, and partake of the most is what our minds and hearts desire.
You know the saying that what you feed is what flourishes. I want God’s truth to be flourishing in my life and to have more of that means changes. And changes are not always comfortable nor convenient.
Truth doesn’t always taste good going down but the harvest it yields in our lives is bountiful.
I almost turn around and run, cause i thought I was in the wrong place, changes i see, much like life, i adopt.
Balance, its not only being mindful of what you put in your mouth, the quality, the quantity, its about what you allow to enter your mind, soul and spirit, how it is nurtured, how it is cared for and now it is nourished. So much times we focus on the physical and neglect the emotional, spiritual, and physiological.
Oh no, don’t run, lol. Every so often I get the urge to make changes around my digital space. Finding what truly nourishes our whole selves is so very important. Have a great week.
Really, the only nourishment that truly *feeds* me, and has lasting effects, is the Bread of Life. All the rest, the things that this world offers, is junk food!
(Like the new look!!)
Thanks! You’re right Sharyn. There is plenty junk that we can consume but it doesn’t sustain.
Wow, convicting Proverb.
Thanks for making application to our souls today!
Indeed it is Michele. The Word has a way of hitting us. May find ourselves feeding on that which truly nourishes our souls.
A very timely word for NOW, in the natural and spiritual sense. There is a particular juice that I have found very beneficial for me, but only one store carries it in my town. I was so tempted the other day to just get an alternative juice (which is good and actually healthy, but does not have the same combination of nutrients that work best for me) which is cheaper and can be found in many stores. I had to talk myself into doing what I knew would be most beneficial. Lord, truly give us the courage to choose wisdom, even in the little things.
I love your analogy here, we need to fill our souls with truth and not trash just like our bodies need healthy food-I love it! Its amazing how Satan tricks us into believing that trash WILL fill up our soul.
So truth Anastasia. It may tasty for a time but it doesn’t really satisfy or sustain our souls.
Ouch! You are stepping on my toes today! But I really needed to read this today. Thank you!
Happy fueling on what nourishes you Christa.