Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see to day you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.
Standing firm and standing still are not the two options that come rushing to my head when I find myself in precarious position. In fact I would much rather run, tuck my tail and hide. But what does running and hiding solve? Not much. In most cases, when we decide to unearth our head from the sand again, the problem is still there staring us in the face.
I am no fan of confrontation but there are times when it is a must. Just as God wanted the Israelites to see that He was big enough to handle their problems, He is doing the same thing today. How can we really know what God is capable of if we never find ourselves on the battlefields of life?
While there are those like me who would be happy to avoid confrontation, there are many more individuals that run full speed ahead ready to tackle their enemies. But running full throttle ahead is not always best either. The instructions the Israelites received for this battle was to not be afraid and stand firm.
We lose precious eyewitness accounts with God, when we fail to follow His instructions. There is a vast difference between reading something in a textbook and having a personal account of such event. Running diminishes our view of God and our opportunity to see real victory in our lives.
Is there something you need to face today instead of ducking and dodging?
I avoid confrontation also. I agree running can diminish our view of God
I’m a confrontation avoider as well, Wanda – and you’re right – either extreme are not good. Thanks.
Can I do it with one eye shut, or with running shoes one…just in case? lol! Yes, indeed. It is difficult to stand and face the circumstances, especially when our human thinking sees no resolution. Thank God that His Spirit is able to make us stand if we choose to be willing and obedient to this command to “stand still and see”.
If there is anything to say I always say my piece…….but only if I know I am right,
It don’t always work but at least I can say I have tried and not run away from the situation.
Thanks ladies for sharing your thoughts. It’s nice to know that I’m not alone in my quest to avoid confrontation. Yvonne, I admire your ability to speak your piece. Although I like to pursue there are times that it’s necessary to use your voice.
Wanda, running has great appeal for me, also, but, as you have experienced, sometimes things are best faced head on in order to bring about needed changes. Thanks for posting this.
You know, I’m not a fan of confrontation either. But I once had someone point out to me that in the Beatitudes Jesus does NOT say “Blessed are the peaceKEEPERS.” It is the peaceMAKERS who are blessed. And making peace sometimes involves waiting for the Lord to do His work, and sometimes it involves us taking the first step.
Both require total reliance on the Spirit’s guidance and discernment.
Great thoughts, Wanda.
I so don’t like confrontation, but there ar
e times it is a must~
I need to face a FROG, lol
Thanks for the reminder
Oh so true Pam. Yes, Sharon I am amazed how similar the two of us are but I never thought about the difference in peaceMakers and peaceKeepers. Ella hoping you will find the courage to face the FROG my friend.