Who doesn’t enjoy receiving an unexpected word of encouragement, a pat on the back, or a reassuring hug? I certainly appreciate times I have received such. Even more thankful for them when I found myself watered by the praise and encouragement of others during intense seasons of drought or doubt in my life.
David in 1 Samuel 30:1-8 found himself in need of encouragement. Yet it was not to be found around him. After traveling for three days, he and his men returned home to find their homes demolished and their families kidnapped. Seeing the devastation, they all grieved but his men grief quickly became anger toward David so much so that they desired to stone him. Now that seems pretty bad—certainly nothing uplifting about his current situation. In the midst of loss of home and family, he now was facing abandonment from men, who were suppose to be on his side.
David was greatly distressed, for the men spoke of stoning him because the souls of them all were bitterly grieved, each man for his sons and daughters. But David encouraged and strengthened himself in the Lord his God. 1 Sam 30:6 (AMP)
Being distressed in such a situation is understandable but that last portion of the verse seems almost out-of-place when you first read it.
His situation was bad but…
He had experienced great loss but…
His soldiers now wanted to kill him but…
But he accessed something beyond his environment and beyond the people who accompanied him. David didn't rely on the externals of life to be his source of encouragement. While most of us may never experience a loss to the extent of David, we have all have found ourselves in situations that looked bleak. And we may have encountered voices of negativity rather than support from those closest in our circle. Even still we don’t have to allow ourselves to be confined to distress, disappointment, or discouragement. The externals of our lives aren't always rosy but internally we can find strength and encouragement in God just as David did.
photo credit: Lauren Lionheart via photopincc
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LaVonne says
Happy happy, Wanda. Thank you for reviving in my spirit the words of one of my favorite passages. We do have it in us, and it is a most timely reminder for me.
Wanda says
Often we can forget that God really has given us just what we need for life. Hope you have a great week.
LaVonne says
Thanks, Wanda. By the way, I see that you’ve visited my blog, but I have not been able to comment myself. LOL! Keep being immersed in His blessings and grace.
Wanda says
Lol at least I know the problem is not just with me.
Denise says
Love what you said here Wanda! When we start thinking about the good things God has done, it gets our mind off the negative and on the positive; He knows exactly what we need, when we need it, and how or who He will use to provide the encouragement we need just at the right moment. 🙂
Blessings and hugs for a wonderful week ahead!
Wanda says
What we choose to focus on has a lot to do with our attitudes doesn’t. Hope you have a great week as well.
Alex J. Cavanaugh says
In a nut shell, that is called faith! Don’t focus on the seen, focus on the unseen.
Wanda says
True, true Alex
Betty says
Amen!! Wanda…Last week I had problems with Besty that is the name I call my van. She is very old, but she has taken me from A to C…Last week she didn’t want to take me to work…All I could do was set there saying thank you Jesus for being here with me, thank you for providing my ways to work. I missed that day of work Wanda, but all I could do was to keep focus on Jesus because He is my source. He has been my way maker. You are so right about what you said about our Attitude…I could have broke down upset, distress, and discourage, and that would not have changed not one thing. I just kept thanking Him for what I was in…Besty is back up working, God provide friends to get me to and from work for a day. He is the blessor and I am so thankful that He is my Savior…my Helper…etc. God Bless you and thank you for sharing this encourage message with us. Taking it one day at a time…Love you!! 🙂
Wanda says
Thank you for sharing that testimony Sis Betty. Daily we are faced with opportunities to pout or praise. Hooray for you choosing the latter.