One again I’m sharing with you a few interesting posts I discovered as I have transverse across the blogosphere this week. Hope you enjoy and have a great weekend.
1. You Cannot Be Anything You Want by Nicole at Modern Reject {about the lie we often lead children & ourselves to believe}
2. Losing My Co-Dependent Church Self by Pam Hogeweide {about discovering who she is absent of church}
As I journeyed on this bridge from being a workhorse for Jesus to becoming just a simple, inactive pew warmer, my view of myself in the body of Christ became crystal clear. It was true I performed to be accepted and loved… but that performance was not really for my Creator. It was for his created. In my search to belong and be accepted, I had been willing to do what it takes to be amongst the tribe of the church. And the primary way one becomes Amongst is to Plug In. – Pam
3. Windchimes and Waiting by Jennifer at Ripple Speak {she paints beautifully with words and photos}
4. Trick to Declutter Your Gmail Inbox at The Pixelista
5. A Good Life by MTJ at My Thought-Filled Journey {an evolving short story}
Thanks Wanda, these all sounds fascinating!
I think they all speak to different facets of my soul 😀
Happy Friday to you!
Thanks Ella. Hope you enjoy a wonderful weekend.
Thanks, Wanda. As I’ve read through this blogs, one thing is crystal clear: We must be who we are IN HIM and that is enough.
So true in Him we are complete. Hope you enjoy a great weekend.
Thanks for sharing these Wanda. I visited a couple of the links and enjoyed reading them. Hope you have a lovely weekend.
Glad you enjoyed them Bernadine. Hope you & yours are doing well.