Today I’m going back to reclaim my breathing space I rediscovered last month. Some how I thought the water tides would roll in an overflow of words to pen within the pages of the notebook I came armed with. Instead this well of words remained dry while the birds and butterflies drew my attention. Join me over at My Freshly Brewed Life as tell you what those winged creatures taught me that day.
Read it and it was awesome! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Ahh thanks Michell!
Thank you for sharing your heart in my space. I want to go outside and look for the birds, the butterflies, for what God has to show me!
My pleasure Barbie. There is no telling what a trip outside might stir up for you.
Great post, Wanda! And so like God to speak in His quiet voice when we are expecting a shout.
That’s so true Pam. He doesn’t allow us to put Him inside a little box.
Wonderful! I am so glad I felt the pull to stop and read your words and visit Barbie’s site~
Thank you both!
Beautiful post Wanda!
Hi Ella, I hope your headaches are better. I’ve started to get some relief with some new meds I’m taking. Always a pleasure to have you stop by.
Hi Wanda,
Great post…I can relate to what you said about some days not hearing God because of the oh-hum of daily life.
I especially appreciated this, “Be aware and acknowledge the unique giftedness of others. For most of us, we have no problem seeing the good in others.”
I think that is one thing you do exceptionally well. You are always a voice of encouragement to others.
It seems like there are so many negative naysayers in life, if we can speak a word of encouragement, we should do so. Speak words of life.
Glad you were able to get away for a little while.
Lord bless…Susan
Hi Susan, thanks for sharing your thoughts. Funny thing is I don’t see myself has a natural encourager perhaps because I compare myself to way my older sister does it. But reading your comment help me to see I just do it in a different manner. That’s why we need each other. We all have something to give and can help one another see things in a different light. Hope your week is a great one.
Lovely post!
I am visiting from the climb linky and I am your new bloglovin and twitter friend. Follow back would be lovely.
Hugs and love sent your way.
Hi Melody, great to have you stop over. Always a pleasure to find new friends.